Monday 29 June 2020

5 Vital Resources for Writing Your SBA Business Plan for a Miami-Based Business

Writing a business plan for any purpose can be intimidating. However, if you are writing a business plan specifically for an SBA loan, the stakes can feel even higher. The good news is there are a number of resources to help you create a formal and flawless SBA Business Plan in Miami. If you need help with your SBA business plan for your Miami-based business or if you live in Miami and are creating a business that will be based anywhere in the world, these are the top local resources worth looking into.
  1. Small Business Administration (SBA) – Although you are applying for an SBA backed business loan, that does not preclude you from tapping into their support options. In addition to networking with lenders to secure portions of loans making it more likely that small businesses are approved, they have a host of other services. This includes articles, guides, counseling, classes and other programs. They even have resources that can help you learn to write your SBA Business Plan in Miami.
  2. Small Business Development Center (SBDC) – SBDCs exist as a partnership the SBA and – usually – local universities and colleges. They provide counseling/mentoring as well as classes and other educational sources. Their purpose is to help aspiring and existing local entrepreneurs to launch, build, and grow successful businesses. They serve to help grow and develop the economies of towns and cities across the country. There are several regional offices in the South Florida area, including right in Miami.
  3. SCORE – This program which is a nonprofit partner of the SBA, focuses on offering direct business mentorship and other expert business resources to help people prepare for and survive entrepreneurship and small business ownership.
  4. Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) Business Center – The MBDA is another national agency with offices around the country. They focus on helping minority communities create lasting wealth. According to their website they serve, “businesses owned by African Americans, Asian Americans, Hasidic Jews, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders”.
While several of the above resources may overlap and seem redundant, they all focus on slightly different aspects of business development and approach how they provide their assistance in different ways. It is worth taking the time to research all of them in regards to your SBA Business Plan – or any business plan! They all have their own schedules and rates for different courses, seminars, and other small business resources. When you know exactly what they offer and what sessions they have coming up, you can plan to participate in the ones that are most relevant to you and work with your schedule and budget.
  1. Professional Business Plan Writing Company – There are certain things that are better left to experts. Your SBA business plan is one of the largest determining factors in determining whether your loan is approved. Although the above resources will get you well on your way, if you’re able to afford it, contracting a professionally written SBA business plan in Miami is a worthy investment.
Not only will it save you precious time you can focus elsewhere in the business, you’ll usually end up with a better end product. A professionally written SBA Business Plan can sometimes be the difference between an unsuccessful and successful SBA loan application. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in or what product or services your business will offer. Having experienced writers take this vital task off your plate can be one of the best business decisions you will ever make.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Why Are There So Many Professional Business Plan Writers in Miami?

There are Professional Business Plan Writers situated all over the world. Yet, surprisingly, there seems to be a fair amount of business plan writers in Miami. As with any major city, there are drawbacks to living in Miami. It has one of the highest costs of living of major cities in the United States. Certain areas can also be frequently overrun by tourists. Yet, you’ll find that many professionals, including professional Business Plan writers, choose to call Miami home. Why is that?
Well, for starters, if you offer services to businesses, Miami is a great place to be. It is true that business plan writers can attract clients from just about anywhere in the world. However, there is still a strong draw and appeal for businesses to go with local vendors. In other words, if your business is serving businesses, go where the businesses are. Miami definitely fits that bill.
The reason there are so many businesses in Miami is because the Magic City is a global business hub. It is commonly known that Miami is the U.S. home to many major cruise lines. Naturally, the travel, tourism, and hospitality industries there are huge. Another result of being an international port town is that businesses in the trade and logistics industry flourish there.
What is lesser known is that Miami is home to the highest concentration of international banks in the United States. The financial industry in the city is booming. In addition to the industries above, it also a popular home to entertainment, healthcare, and technology businesses.
What all of this means is that if you are a professional Business Plan Writer Miami, you have thousands of potential clients. It doesn’t matter if you specialize in a certain type of business plan, your ideal clients can likely be found there, both existing businesses and startups. Not only are there are a lot of businesses for professional business plan writers in Miami to locally appeal to, there is certain clout that comes with having an address in a major U.S. city that can attract clients on a global scale.
All that talk about businesses aside, Miami is a vibrant, culturally diverse city. So much so, in fact, that it is referred to as the Capital of Latin America. It is also a popular destination for people from the Caribbean given proximity. This mosaic of cultures leads to incredible food and music scenes. It also can be a great place to live regardless of your age or hobbies. There is truly something for everyone in the city so it’s no wonder so many professional business plan writers choose to call Miami home.
Whether you are a local business or not, beginning your search for a professional Business Plan Writer in Miami will yield incredible results. Not surprisingly, it is also a tremendous place to begin your search if you are in need of an Immigration Business Plan. Regardless your business plan needs, you and your business should have no problem finding the right business plan writer in the city of Miami.

Sunday 21 June 2020

3 Things Business Plan Writers Want You to Know About Your Franchise Business Plan

Franchising is an exciting and fruitful way to expand your business without taking on all the costs or work yourself.   However, it can be a long and stressful process with many hurdles and roadblocks along the way.  Creating a franchise business plan is one thing that will help you navigate this trying process.  When creating a Franchise Business Plan, there are three main things that Business Plan Writers want you to know.

It’s Imperative – There are many businesses that operate without a business plan.  While chances of success are higher with a business plan, there are certainly many examples of those that thrived without one.  When it comes to a franchise though, it’s imperative.  There are so many moving parts and so many stakeholders that having a professionally written franchise business plan is an unspoken requirement.

You Need Several Versions for Different Purposes – There are a variety of key stakeholders when franchising your business.   First and foremost, you, the business owner.  You write a franchise Business Plan for yourself to be clear on why you are franchising, confirm your business will work well in a franchise model, and plan out how you are going to make your franchise model a success.  
You may need to appeal for funding to develop your franchise business plan.  It’s an expensive process that requires hiring professionals like accountants, lawyers, and marketing experts to be done correctly.  Any potential funder will likely expect a plan that looks different in some ways from a plan you’d write for yourself.

Beyond that, you will need a version of your Franchise Business Plan for potential franchisees.   They will have different concerns and questions than a lender.   Business plan writers note that in some ways this can be the most important version because if you can’t attract franchisees, you’re dead in the water.

Last, but certainly not least, you’ll need the master franchise business plan.  This will be a version of the business plan meant for confirmed franchisees.   This is the plan they will be able to take and adapt to their specific location.  It is often used so they can solicit their own funding to purchase the franchise.  They will also use it to recruit partners, managers and other key personnel and stakeholders of their specific location.

Business Plan Writers Improve Your Chances of Success – As you will be dealing with many professionals and will need slightly different versions or your plan to appeal to each, it is best to seek out business plan writers for the task.  It can be difficult to keep your plan, branding and other important aspects consistent while creating various versions for your different audiences.  Business plan writers understand the nuances of appealing to each audience while keep the details accurate and in line.

Further, Business Plan Writers are the experts on your franchise business plan in general.   Especially when dealing with high level individuals like lenders or investors who look at business plans every day, they will expect to see certain things in certain ways.  It can demean or undermine your plan if aspects they expect to see are missing or not explained well.  That’s why it’s best to at least include business plan writers in the process.

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Why you’re Business Plan Writer Thinks You Should Have a Pitch Deck (Even if it’s Not Expected)

Pitch decks are standard when approaching investors.  However, your Business Plan Writer will likely tell you that the pitch deck is one of the most powerful tools in your business tool box.   The process of writing the business plan is incredibly important for challenging and supporting your business model.  The pitch deck, however, can be an unsung hero in the business process.   You’ll have a number of audiences that may not be accustomed to viewing pitch decks but, they are often recommended as the first thing you show someone.  Whether your audience asks or expects a Pitch Deck, there are tremendous benefits to creating and presenting one.

Grabs Attention – Put a business plan in front of most people and they are going to daze off or maybe even fall asleep.  Even if you happen to put it in front of people that are accustomed to looking at business plans, like potential lenders, they see so many they are often underwhelmed.   In either case, a business plan writer knows the positive effects a pitch deck can have on capturing attention, regardless your audience.

Attention Spans Are Short – It’s not just a matter of grabbing attention but, keeping it. Thanks to our trusty smart phones, other technology, and a growing library of content in every format imaginable, attention spans seem to be at an all-time low.  Some people are just not going to read your entire business plan.  A pitch deck, however, is presented in a way that is similar to popular content.  Not only is it short and to the point, there are visual elements.  If your Business Plan writer gets is really ahead of the curve, it may even have multi-media or interactive elements.  Regardless, the pitch deck serves the purpose of being able to overview your entire business concept while you still have their attention.  If you’re really lucky, this will lead to your full plan being read.

Ensure You Understand – There’s a popular saying about how if you can’t explain something to a child you don’t fully understand it yourself.   Not to say your audience are children but, if you can’t explain your business plan in the brief, simplified format expected of a pitch deck, you need to spend more time with it.  One business plan writer suggested that you imagine your pitch deck as “the elevator pitch for your entire business”.  If you can refine and call out the most important aspects and elements, you are ready to present your Pitch Deck or full business plan to the world!

Aligns with How People Learn – Things often make more sense if you know what to expect.  Think back to textbooks and imagine the outline at the beginning of a chapter.  It helps you prepare for what you will be learning and gives you a primer on how everything will tie together.  Many people are “big picture” learners as well.  Falling right in line with this business plan writer piece of advice, is that these types of people have a tendency to let their mind wander if they can’t anticipate how everything connects.  Think of it this way, your pitch deck presents a simplified concept, then your business plan builds on that knowledge.

It would seem like many a skilled and wise Business Plan Writer know the power of the pitch deck.   Incorporating it into your presentation, regardless the audience, can do wonders for forging the important business relationships you will need to be a success.

Sunday 14 June 2020

4 Reasons Business Plan Writers Recommend a Master Franchise Business Plan

Business plan writers who regularly work with franchisees and franchisors often recommend a master franchise business plan.   A franchisor may need a business plan to attract investors or apply for funding to expand their business into a franchise.  They will likely have a different franchise business plan version to attract potential franchisees.  A master Franchise Business Plan will likely be similar to and based off of other business plan versions but, serves a different purpose.

A master franchise business plan is intended to be a business plan template for your franchisees.   When it comes to a franchise, each location, and therefor plan, will be different but, there are many elements that will remain the same.  Not all franchises provide this but, business plan writers recommend it for four main reasons.

1.       Eliminates Confusion – When the information is provided by you, the franchisor, in a standard format, you know that it is further solidifying the business model and concept to the franchisee.  It answers questions for them that they may not have even realized that had and clarifies a number of vital business components.  Business Plan Writers also note that a master franchise business plan gives franchisees confidence at a very early stage, setting the relationship off on the right foot.

2.       Brand Consistency – The master franchise business plan also works to increase brand buy-in from the very beginning.  When your franchisee gets hands on with their business plan, the more they see the business, the more they will internalize the brand.   They will begin talking about the business, even if just to friends and family, at an early stage.   How well they understand the brand and the business early on will have an impact on how the represent the brand in the future.   This ensures they are representing the brand the way you’d like.

3.       Increase Franchisee Pool – Many potential franchisees will not be able to finance a franchise purchase out of pocket.  They will often seek outside funders in the form of investors, partners, or lenders.  A professional franchise business template goes a long way to contributing to their chances of success.  The more potential franchisees are able to purchase a franchise, the faster your franchise will grow.

4.       Keep Franchisees Focused – When starting a new business, even if it’s a franchise, there are a million things to think about.  You may offer a checklist as part of your startup documents but, something about putting together a Business Plan makes it seem more real.  It also gives a franchisee a greater sense of ownership.  Business plan writers observe that the master franchise business plan helps franchisees stay focused on what they need to be concerned with most and helps them solidify in their own minds the role of the franchisor.

There is no rule that says you have to provide a master franchise business plan.   However, it can be an incredibly valuable tool that helps your franchisees succeed.  Ultimately, their success is your success.  Business plan writers see a number of franchises every year and there are several things that set the successful ones apart, the master Franchise Business Plan is often one of those factors.

Thursday 11 June 2020

What You Can Expect from Business Plan Writers in Miami

If you have found yourself in need of a Business Plan in Miami or just have the desire to use business plan writers from Miami, you will find yourself in good hands.  While it’s true every person, and therefor every professional, is different, there are certain common characteristics that people from certain cities often embody.   In terms of Miami, these are some of the most beneficial common traits you can likely expect.

They understand diversity – Miami is one of the most diverse cities in the world.  Business Plan Writers from Miami are culturally aware by default.   They grew up with it.   It is engrained in the culture of the city.   This aspect is so important when writing your Miami-based business plan for so many reasons.   First and foremost, this applies to Market Research.   They don’t merely rely on consumer reports, demographics, and other statistics they actually understand diverse markets in context.   This goes a long way to making sure the market sections of your business plan for Miami are relevant and useful.

They balance professionalism and fun – We all know the perception of the West coast for being laid back.   Miami is about as close as you can get to that type of feel in the Southeast.   Business plan writers from Miami are far more likely to be relatable, especially for startups who are trendy and not uptight.  They work hard but, they also know how to have fun.   It might not seem like that should matter in creating your Miami business plan but, it can.   It’s almost always easier to successfully collaborate on a business plan when you feel comfortable with the business plan writer.   Second, business plans can be very dry.   Their default attitude will often shine through in your business plan for Miami.   This means it will be professional but, your audience isn’t going to fall asleep reading it. 

They have broad industry experience – Not only is Miami diverse in sense of its people, it is also diverse in terms of industries.   Whatever industry your business plan for Miami falls under, chances are Business Plan Writers from Miami will have some experience with it.   In addition to being a top travel and tourism destination, Miami also has a robust banking industry, healthcare industry, and so much more.

They have a strong sense of community – Business plan writers from Miami are likely going to care more about your Miami-based business plan than anyone else.  Whether you are a Miami resident, or your business plan is for Miami, or both, you’re likely to end up with a better end product.   Why?   Because they care about their community, its residents, and the businesses that create the local economy.

In today’s globalized world, you can have your Business Plan written by someone who is located nearly anywhere in the world.   However, you can see that business writers in Miami will bring to the table many traits that those in other cities or locations will likely not possess.   Of course, your business plan for Miami is likely to be the best when created by a local but, these benefits are relevant even if your business will be located elsewhere.

Sunday 7 June 2020

The “3 C’s” A Business Plan Writer Will Address in an SBA Business Plan

Every audience for which you will write a business plan is different.  A Business Plan Writer is an expert at knowing how to tailor each and every plan so it appropriately appeals to the intended audience.   According to a business plan writer and the Small Business Administration (SBA), there are three C’s your business plan should focus on when writing your SBA business plan: credit, cash flow, and collateral.


Your personal credit will matter most in terms of your SBA Business Plan.  Your business credit is icing on the cake.  SBA loans are approved for startups but, a business plan writer knows the chances of a successful loan application dramatically increase if the business has a proven track record.  Whether you are a new or existing business, your personal finances will be scrutinized.  This is because, in most cases, you, the individual, will be liable for repayment of the loan.

If you don’t have the best personal credit, that doesn’t mean you are doomed.   There are other options, such as collateral and cosigners, that can make you less of a risk to lenders.  You can also use the creditworthiness of the business to help make your case.   There are many people who take their business finances more seriously than their personal finances.  If this is the case, a Business Plan writer will highlight the points that make the strongest case.   You still need to present all information and be truthful but, how you present that information can make a huge difference.

Cash Flow

Like credit, your cash flow will be more revealing and helpful if the business has already been in operation and you can provide historic actuals as well as projections.  The point that will continue to be driven home in this article in terms of your SBA Business Plan is the fact that the main concern of the SBA and lender is whether or not you will be able to repay your loan.   The other two C’s matter tremendously but, cash flow demonstrates your ability to repay your loan in practice.

Presenting historic actuals will reveal whether you are keeping enough cash on hand to pay your bills and have a cushion.  Projections give some insight as to how efficiently you will be able to cover your financial obligations in the future.  Both are important in the quest to make lenders feel confident that you will be able to satisfy the terms of a potential loan.


As already mentioned, you will most likely be personally responsible for the loan whether the business succeeds.   Having collateral to put up for the loan dramatically increases your chances of approval.  Lenders want you to have “skin in the game”.   This serves to not only further reduce the risk for lenders – which improves your chance of success – but, acts a strong personal motivator.
Your SBA business plan is the most prominent document potential lenders will consider.  Focusing on the above elements will ensure that you are emphasizing the most important components of the plan.   These are the areas that will be most heavily scrutinized and factor into whether your loan is approved.  A business plan writer is well versed in demonstrating the strengths while underplaying the weaknesses.   Whether you write your plan yourself or hire a Professional Business Plan Writers, highlighting and fully addressing these key areas will increase your shot at loan approval.

Thursday 4 June 2020

How Professional Business Plan Writers Use Sales Psychology to Create a Successful Pitch Deck

While your business plan will be lengthy, detailed, and possibly even a little dry, your Pitch Deck should be the opposite.   There is a great deal of sales psychology that professional business plan writers will implement when writing your pitch deck.  These methods help keep your audience captivated, elicit an emotional response, and entice them to invest.

Incorporating Story Telling – Everyone likes a good story and Professional Business Plan Writers know this.  That is why they will weave together your pitch deck into a captivating, cohesive story not merely a collection of informational slides.  This can be difficult to do in such a short format but, the right writer will strike the right balance between keeping it short and telling the story of your business.

Early Emotional Appeal – One thing that professional Business Plan Writers understand is that most of the time, whether they realize it or not, people make decisions based on emotions, not logic.   That is why they will appeal early, often in the first slide, to the audience’s emotion in some way.  One way to do this is on the title slide.   You should have one line that introduces the business but, instead of stating what the business does, go for the gut by explaining WHY the business does what it does.

Present in a Logical Order – Part of why storytelling is so effective is because if gives the human brain something it craves: logic.  Our brains are constantly classifying, categorizing, and filtering information.   We have a strong, inherent mental need to make sense of the world around us.   This is why when professional Business Plan writers create a pitch deck presentation, they make sure it flows and give cues as to what you’re talking about next and why.   It leaves the audience’s brain with a feeling of satisfaction.   This helps ensure that their attention stays on your presentation instead of them trying to figure out what you’re talking about or why you’re talking about it.

Proactively Answering Questions – Every potential investor is different but, in most cases, you can predict the questions they are going to have.   It is important to make it clear at the beginning that you will field questions at the end of your presentation.   You may even write that on an introductory slide for emphasis.   If you are able to get through the presentation and answer all the basic questions, they will be more likely to perceive you and your pitch deck as competent.

Strike While the Iron is Hot – In other words, ask for what you want!  Make it clear what you are looking for and what the next steps are.   Human attention spans are short, and we’re all overloaded with information these days.  Don’t make potential investors or other pitch deck audience guess what it is you are looking for from them or what they need to do.   Even if they aren’t prepared to commit at that meeting, you will be able to gauge their interest or open up the conversation to address any of their concerns.  Either way, it helps moves things along.

Sales psychology plays a big role in a successful pitch deck.  You can certainly incorporate these tactics on your own but, professional business plan writers do this for a living.  They are often able to do this with far more success than a business plan or Professional Pitch Deck writing novice.  After all, part of being a successful business owner is effectively managing your time, knowing what you don’t know, and asking for help where and when you need it.   This is one area that is well worth seeking outside expertise.