Wednesday 17 November 2021

Tips from Professional Business Plan Writers on How to Present a Pitch Deck


Professional Business Plan Writers

So, you would like to present your business to an investor. You will likely contact a Professional Business Plan Writer to compose a business plan for you. But what if a business plan is not your first choice? There is a document that is made just for presenting - a pitch deck.

A pitch deck is a visually oriented brief presentation, that overviews your business plan. The most common way of using a pitch deck is in a face – to face meetings with potential investors.

But, having an adequate document does not mean your business journey is over. There is one crucial thing when you are presenting a Pitch Deck – the way you present it.

Here are professional business plan writers’ tips on how to present a pitch deck.

Have a Strong Beginning

Potential investors are busy people who have seen hundreds or thousands of presentations. Likely, the investors will not even pay attention to your presentation if you do not captivate their attention right from the start. There are many ways on how you can grab their attention:

- Personal story

Everyone loves to hear a good business story, and that definitely includes potential investors. Talk about your business journey, how it all started and your ideas in order to form that emotional connection with the audience, in this case, investors

- Imagination

Ask them to imagine a what-if situation, or to think of something that relates to their personal lives, etc.

- Tell a joke

You do not need to be a professional stand-up comedian to crack the investors up and use a joke as your ice breaker. However, if you go this route, make sure to test this out on a few different types of audiences first to make sure it will land.

Maintain Eye Contact

Not only professional business writers but everyone who communicates and has a conversation with someone should pay attention to eye contact. Maintaining eye contact makes you seem confident, and respectful towards your audience.

Professional Business Plan Writers suggest that the easiest way to maintain eye contact during your pitch deck presentation is to find a fixed point in the room. In this case, you should choose a wall behind your audience, so that it may seem that you are looking directly towards them.

Do your Homework

Come prepared. Know your numbers and metrics. It can speak louder than words. To make your pitch deck presentation successful, it is crucial to know your numbers by heart and be prepared to answer any questions that may come up.

Speak freely, but clearly

Avoid reading your presentation from your slides or a piece of paper. Know your text. If you are not that confident about how you will present your pitch deck, have a few note cards but try not to read directly from them so your presentation still feels fluid.

Look out for filler words

We all have used – “um”, “uh”, “er”, “like”, “ah”, when talking, without even realizing that we do it. Try not to use them at all while presenting your pitch deck.

You will sound more professional, trust us. Our professional business plan writers advise you to slow down and make shorter sentences when talking. It will reduce the usage of filler words.

How you present your pitch deck is equally important as the document alone. Implement these tips from professional business plan writers, and you will present your pitch deck successfully.

To present a Pitch Deck, you need to have one. Find experts, like those in the Advisory division at Joorney Business Plans, who will not only write and design your deck but are also willing to give you tips for an effective presentation!

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