Sunday 28 November 2021

How to create a Winning Pitch Deck - Professional Business Plan Writer's Advice

Pitch Deck

Chances are you are not the only one needing investments for your business. There are many other businesses looking for fundings and pitching their business plans to investors, in hopes of impressing them. So, the question is, how do you make your business stand out in a sea of others? Well, a winning Pitch Deck is the one that grabs the investors attention. This might seem like a lot of pressure, but here are some tips from Professional Business Plan Writers to ease you through it.

Know your audience

Most professional business plan writers know that the most memorable pitch decks provide the audience with what they are looking for, or to be more precise, what the investors are looking for in a business. Therefore, the focal point of your presentation should be the investor's ROI. And don’t forget to support your claims with numbers, otherwise they’ll lose interest if you do not have anything to show for your bold statements.

Keep it short

Do not make too many slides! It is not necessary to include every single detail in your presentation. Investors are on a tight schedule, they do not have the time to sit and listen to you drag on about your business, nor do they really wish to. There is an unwritten rule that your presentation should not be longer than 10 slides (give or take). Listen to professional Business Plan Writers when they say: “the fewer slides the better”.

So, anything you wish to include in your pitch deck should fit on those 10 slides. That means curating the information you would like to include in your presentation. Having a limited number of slides will force you to provide only the most important facts about your business, in other words, it’s heart and soul. This way you are more likely to spark investors' interest in your business.

Less is more

Making slides should be easy enough, but do not just put your numbers and spreadsheets in them and call it a day. Your presentation should be pretty to look at and easy to read. Professional Business Plan Writers know not to oversaturate pitch decks with text and long lists. Sure, you need to provide numbers to support your claims, but keep in mind that too much information at once can be extremely overwhelming for your audience.

Studies have shown that human memory capacity is limited. People's short term memory can only obtain about 7 pieces of information at a time. Any more than that increases people's contemplation time, which hinders their decision making, something you definitely do not want to happen with your audience.

Tell a story

Another tip from professional business plan writers is not to underestimate the power of storytelling. Any good story has a conflict and resolution, an issue that only the main character can resolve. So use these storytelling elements in your presentation to your benefit. Present a problem, or a need in the market that your business can solve. Here is where your products or services save the day by addressing the market demand. Presenting your business like a story narrative is a way to keep your audience engaged throughout your presentation, because everyone likes a good story, don’t they?

Look at pitch decks as an opening act to your business plan. They prepare the audience for what is to come, “the headliner”. They need to get them interested and curious about your business. So, using tactics from professional business plan writers for your Pitch Deck will surely score you a second meeting with the investors.

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