Sunday 9 January 2022

5 Common Market Research Mistakes when Writing a Bank Loan Business Plan


Market Research

Market research is an important component for any business plan, but that can especially be said for a Bank Business Plan. Getting a bank loan is not easy, there are many requirements for getting a loan approved, one of them being a well composed business plan based on solid research. With such a huge emphasis on the research, it is important to do it right, so here are some common mistakes to avoid.

Not using all available information sources

The first step of any research is to gather all of the available and relevant information. In case of Market Research, this is done through surveys, questionnaires, test groups and interviews; in other words, data is collected directly from the customers themselves. This type of information would be considered primary data, and many make the mistake of using it as their only resource.

However, there is another way of collecting information, which is through secondary research. This includes all of the data and research collected and done prior to your own, such as news articles, government census, industry reports, studies, etc.

Overlooking the competition

Focusing on your brand is great, but you are not operating in a vacuum. There are other companies climbing the ladder of success, and you do not want to be at the bottom of it. Therefore, gather as much information as you can on your competition, so you can see how you are positioned on the market and how you can improve.

How you compare to your competition is an indicator of your business’s potential success. This is crucial information for loan officers, since it will give them an idea of your business’s value in the marketer and ability to repay your debt.

Thinking the market does not change

If you need market research for a bank business plan, don’t dust off your old research and use it again for a new document. The market is constantly changing and your Bank Business Plan will not benefit from outdated research. Doing regular research and keeping an eye on the market will show loan officers you are aware of any new market trends and are able to overcome or create opportunities from changes. This is valuable information for getting a loan approved since it shows you will be able to adjust to the market and keep producing a steady revenue.

Cherry picking information

The reason you are conducting market research may be for your bank business plan, with an overall goal to get a loan approved, but that should not be your research objective. The desire to make an impeccable business plan, can make people cherry pick information for their research, sometimes without even realizing it. The result of this may be a seemingly bulletproof business plan, but in reality it is flawed.

Therefore, you need to have a scientific approach to your research, which means that it needs to be:

systematic - following a clear plan and path; using good methods and research techniques

and objective - not being biased in your research is crucial. If you only make it your goal to get approved for a loan, you might lose your perspective. Your objective with market research is to present reality as it is.

Presenting an unreadable paper

Do not oversaturate your findings with charts and graphs. By all means, use them, you need to after all, but know that you should tell a story. Your research should be easy to follow, read and understand. Knowing how to present your findings is crucial. And keep in mind that your readers may not be as knowledgeable of your industry as you may think, so avoid using industry jargon as well.

The scope of market research can be intense, which leaves a lot of room for mistakes. So, avoid the mistakes others make and base your bank business plan on the most accurate research you can do. If you find the Market Research portion of business planning difficult, consult experts that can do it for you. This will mitigate the chance of being biased in your findings as well.

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