Wednesday 28 July 2021

How Financial Modeling Becomes the Financial Projections of a Business Plan

Financial Modeling

The terms Financial Modeling and projections seem to be used interchangeably. Both are essential for decision making processes in a business, both are assuming potential revenue and still, there is a subtle difference between the two. On the surface it may seem almost unnoticeable, but nonetheless, it exists. Financial Projections Business Plan catch investors attention, and are overall useful for operating a business. But can they be swapped for financial models? When there is a question of purpose, the line between the two can be blurred.

What are they exactly?

Financial modeling in the context of financial projections is a process of creating a spreadsheet using a company's history in sales to create and predict future patterns. It is an essential tool for decision making. It is all about making calculations and assumptions about a future event or an impact a certain decision may have on business' operations. These models are mathematical models with many variables. They can be used to calculate different scenarios by changing a single variable. Companies use them for strategizing and planning projects, determining budgets etc.

Financial projections in a business plan set numbers, created using financial modeling. Its purpose is to set goals for the company and put plans in place to achieve them. It is often used as a guide for businesses to keep track of their operations and progress. Therefore, it is advised to make constant revisions and changes to projections. Startups can make these revisions on a monthly basis, but most businesses make quarterly or yearly forecasts.

How are they different?

While the differences between financial modeling and Financial Projections in a business plan may be hard to spot, there are a couple of them to keep in mind:

The difference in audience - financial models are usually internal documents intended for a company’s use only, while financial forecasts can be presented to potential investors to gain investments or raise capital. They can be used to showcase a company's potential and value in the market.

The difference in format and use - Projections are goals used to keep a company on track, while models are a sum of numbers that show all the different paths a company may take to achieve its goals. Models change, projects once set do not. In a sense each one relies on the other. And paradoxically, this difference is where they are starting to be one and the same.

How are they the same?

Simply put, you can’t have financial projections without financial modeling, and vice versa. Financial models also require goals, and predictions to calculate all possible outcomes. A best, and worst case scenario is needed for constructing the most accurate models and predictions.

In order to change a potential outcome an initial goal is needed, because without it, there are no variables to change and therefore no modeling either. Financial forecasts require numbers, modeling can provide. To plan for the best possible scenario, models are necessary to make the right decisions and choose the right form of action.

Take the help you can get

Because of all of this nuance, composing Financial Projections Business Plan can seem harrowing, therefore it can be of great help to consult with the professionals. Experts at Joorney can give a helping hand in composing financial projections for your business plan.

In conclusion...

Even though they are different documents, there are also similarities between the two that makes it difficult to tell them apart, especially if you are not hands on with them. Just like financial projections, financial modeling also relies on predictions and assumptions.

The difference is that Financial Modeling is the act of – in this instance – arriving at the financial projections of the business plan. The financial projections themselves are the result of financial modeling.

Because these items are so closely tied together and both require a deep understanding of the process to create, as well as spreadsheet prowess, you may want to consider consulting professionals, like Joorney.

Sunday 25 July 2021

Shake Up Your Bank Business Plan with a Pitch Deck

Bank Business Plan


Pitch decks are brief presentations of your business in the form of slides, usually made in PowerPoint. They are intended for meetings with investors where they show a brief overview of your business, and present its key features. However, they are not common in Bank Business Plan, which usually start off with just an executive summary to convey the most important components of a business. Because loan officers go through dozens of business plans on a regular basis, be sure to make yours stand out. Of course, there are many strategies for making your business plan unique, and one of them is to include a pitch deck.

Why bother with them?

A great way of grabbing an investor's attention at the get go is by presenting them a Pitch Deck, and the same can be said for loan officers. Not only do these slides provide essential information, but they include eye catching visuals and graphs as well. Slides are a creative and concise way of displaying facts about your business. Therefore, they can be a great asset in getting approval for a bank loan, and here are a couple of main reasons why:

They save time

While an executive summary has a similar purpose as a pitch deck, they can be lengthy and boring. Many make a mistake of going on about their business in executive summaries and making them just too long. It is a sure way to lose anyone’s attention.

People do not like to waste time, and busy loan officers most definitely don’t. Time is money, so be sure to get to the point. Your audience doesn't want to go through pages and pages of documetns just to find what they are looking for.

This is why adding these decks is ideal for bank business plans. They are only several slides long with just the right information about your business.

They grab attention

A big part of Pitch Deck is their overall design. Because they include important numbers and graphs, these should be presented in an aesthetically pleasing way. This is another guaranteed way of making your bank business plan stand out from all the rest, and more importantly linger in the minds of your audience.

A good design has multiple purposes, not just to look pretty, but to be functional too. Your decks should be well organised and easy to read. Having a cluster of numbers and graphs can be overwhelming which makes people lose interest and skip over your deck.

If only a few bank business plans include pitch decks, having one in your plan can surely make it stand out from the rest. It is a great way for it to be different in a sea of business plans, that loan officers read on a weekly basis. They are a way to breathe new life into an otherwise boring document, and most definitely a fun and exciting way to introduce your business. Having an attention grabbing Bank Business Plan is winning half the battle in getting a bank loan.

Wednesday 21 July 2021

Market Research: Your Secret Weapon to Financial Modeling for Your Business Plan

Financial Modeling

Financial Modeling can seem like a mundane task. A dull process in which a spreadsheet is made containing a company's expenses and earnings. However, it is an important practice, especially when creating a business plan. It is used to make plans and decisions in a business and determine its operations. They are used to set the pricing of a product, calculate project costs, anticipate future expenses, and even evaluate the current or future value of a business.

Usually the numbers are gathered from the company's financial records and past performances. But if you are writing your business plan, do not overlook how beneficial Market Research or analysis can be for creating the most accurate financial models.

The customer is always right

Market research is a process of determining the success of a product or service. It is conducted with potential customers through surveys, product testing and focus groups, after which the company has direct feedback from the customers. This type of research is used to see how the potential customers will react to the product. The results of the research can help improve the product, and help the company better position itself in the market, compared to its competitors.

On the other hand, financial models are all about the numbers, mostly from previous sales. They are also about assumptions, predicting future growth or value of shares in the stock market. Of course, that means that having accurate numbers is necessary for better predictions. That is why market research is a valuable source for financial model numbers. and there are a few ways it can aid in making the most accurate financial model for your business plan:

Calculating value, setting the prices

The most common reason market research is used is to determine the price of a product or service. Interviewing potential customers and getting their feedback can help you identify their needs, satisfaction with your product and help you adjust the price accordingly. These numbers are a basic and crucial part of your financial modeling spreadsheet. In depth research will help you calculate the most accurate product value your customers are willing to pay for. This will in return have great significance in constructing your company’s Financial Projections. 

Predicting cash flow, budgeting

After you have determined your business’s prices, you can proceed to use these numbers to predict your business cash flow and revenue. For example, financial modeling spreadsheets are helpful when creating project budgets. Ensuring the most accurate numbers through market analysis, will help create the most realistic budgets and avoid overspending and financial losses. 

Predicting growth, attracting investors

Additionally, this number can be used in financial modeling to calculate and predict your company's profits and performance. This can be incredibly useful when looking to attract investors, since they are often interested in businesses’ potential and growth. Numbers provided by market research can later be used in financial modeling to predict the company's growth and future success. It will show investors exactly what they are looking for in a Business Plan, the most objective (positive) outcomes for a business and a ROI. 

Market research is a lot more than it seems. It is a helpful tool for writing a good Business Plan and it is the one thing that doesn't make Financial Modeling just about crunching numbers. That is exactly what makes it the secret weapon for a “killer” business plan.

Sunday 18 July 2021

Professional Business Plan Writers Say These are the Most Important Sections of the Business Plan

Professional Business Plan Writers


When in doubt, turn to the professionals for help. The same goes for writing a business plan. Professional Business Plan Writers have over the years gained a few tips and tricks for composing an outstanding business plan. They know from their own experience that most people do not even read the whole plan. Insead, they focus on the most important sections, and here are some of them to pay the most attention to when formulating your plan:


  • Executive summary 
  • Market research  
  • Personnel Plan 
  • Financials

Executive summary

An executive summary will be the first thing people read. It is a synopsis of your business, your ideas and goals. So make it a document that really counts. Get to the heart and sole of your business and pour it all out in the executive summary. But be brief, don’t overwhelm your readers with detailed numbers just jet. A tip from professional Business Plan Writers is to make sure the executive summary is something that will immediately grab readers attention, and inspire them to continue reading.

Market Research

An unavoidable part of any business plan, a source for your numbers and business predictions and a reassurance of future success. A well conducted Market Research shows that your business will hold a good position in the market, you fully understand it and all of its changes. A well organized market research instills confidence for potential investments. Therefore, market research provides valuable and in depth information and should not be taken lightly.

Personnel Plan

Another thing professional business plan writers advise you to pay close attention to is the personnel plan. Here is where you introduce your team, their skills and competences. The success of your company depends greatly on the productivity of your personnel. A well structured plan on hiring practices is important here. For instance, people will want to know:


  • a brief overview/introduction of your team, 
  • how and when you are going to fill positions, 
  • how many job positions are needed for a timely completion of a project,  
  • and how much of the budget is set aside for salaries.

Personnel plans are especially important for a visa or immigration Business Plan as immigration officers are interested to see who you will be hiring and if your business will create new job opportunities.


And last but not least, it all comes down to the finances. According to professional business plan writers, what most people are looking for in a business plan are the prospects of success. This you need to back up with numbers, creating the most accurate financial models and projections.

No matter who is reading your plan, everybody wants to see if your company will be successful and produce a high revenue. Regardless of the type of plan, it is important to prove to the best of your ability that you will have enough money to return the loan/investment.

Professional Business Plan Writers know what is best for making the most convincing and attention grabbing business plan. Their advice is to pay closer attention to the parts that your readers are the most interested in. Because, in the end, while the whole document is extremely important, some sections are just more important than others.


Wednesday 14 July 2021

4 Ways a Bank Business Plan Differs from Other Types of Business Plans

Bank Business Plan

If your business is in need of finances and you have already made a decision to apply for a bank loan, there are a few things to keep in mind when writing your Bank Business Plan. Getting a bank's approval for a loan is a different process than getting funding from investors. Each business plan can vary, depending on its purpose, and its contents should be written accordingly. 

Prepare for your audience

First thing's first, know your audience. This is the most basic difference between many types of business plans, whether they are a bank business plan, investor or immigration. Depending on who will be reading it changes how it will be formulated.

  • Banks want to see if your debt will be repaid, they are only interested in your numbers, facts and hard data, no matter the business type.

  • But when pitching to investors, try to show your company's potential. You also might want to check the investor's background first. They may only invest in certain types of business.

  • Immigration plans are intended for immigration officers who check if the business meets the visa application standards. They are looking to see if your business will have taxable profit and possible job creations. 
Cash flow - stability vs growth
Financial projections are an integral part of any business plan, but pay close attention to how you’re presenting your numbers. While investors are interested in a return on their investment (ROI) and company's potential and predictions for future growth, banks want to see if you are operating a steady business. You need to prove you can maintain a high enough revenue to be able to repay your debt.

That is why a Bank Business Plan requires your company's financial statements, further back and in greater detail than in other types of business plans. Therefore, you can have more modest numbers when applying for a bank loan compared to looking for fundings from investors. For this reason, it is difficult for early-stage startups to get bank loans. 

Exit plan vs. Collateral

No matter the type of Business Plan, no one wants to take on unnecessary risk. That is why they need to include a guaranteed ROI or loan, just in case things go south. Investors are looking for exit strategy, oftentimes in a form of liquidation or sales of their share in the company.

On the other hand, if the borrower is not able to repay their debt, the bank will proceed to take collateral, usually an asset like real estate, vehicles, equipment, etc. Including this in your bank business plan proves you are a low risk applicant for a loan. 

Ownership and freedom

The upside of bank loans, compared to fundings from investors, is that they do not require equity. Upon acquiring the loan you are able to continue doing business as you please. The bank has no saying in choices made in your company.

However, investors are funding business in exchange for equity, or shares in a company. This way you will lose partial ownership, and may have somewhat limited decision making. All of this has to be well formulated in an investor business plan, unlike in a bank business plan.

Experts Can Help

If you’re unsure how to write a business plan in general, let alone how to write it for the correct audience, consider hiring a professional. Professional Business Plan Writers tackle these challenges every day and can create a plan for you that will help you reach your goals, whether that’s acquiring a bank loan, investor funding, or being approved for a business visa for immigration purposes.

Sunday 11 July 2021

Best Practices for Financial Projections in a Business Plan or Information Memorandum

Financial Projections in a Business Plan or Information Memorandum

On the surface, a business plan and an Information Memorandum (CIM) may seem the same. They both describe a business and outline its goals and objectives. But a key difference between the two is in their use:

  1. Business plans are made in order to plan a company’s path to success, to keep track of it, or to serve as a pitch to investors.

  2. Information memorandums, or offering memorandums, are often written with a specific intent or event in mind, namely for the purpose of a merger or a business sale.

Regarding their structure, both of them share the same elements, and one of these is a financial projection or forecast. It is an important document that includes predictions for future revenue and expenses. There are a few crucial practices to keep in mind when writing Financial Projections Business Plan or information memorandum.

They should be realistic

Any good financial forecast should be honest and accurate. They predict potential success, but also your company’s shortcomings and problems. This should most definitely be included in the financial projection in your business plan, or Information Memorandum. So, do not understate, nor overstate your numbers. Many make a mistake of viewing CIMs as a marketing document, but that could lead to a disappointed investor and potential lawsuit or a fine.

Conduct current market research (again)

Solid market research is a good basis for financial forecasts. And even if you are in the industry for a while, it is always advised to check your numbers before making new projections. It is a well known fact that the market is fast changing, and if you want to be on top of the game you should stay alert and adjust your financial projections for your business plan according to the new data found in your market analysis. Speaking of which…

Make changes, reevaluate regularly

Financial forecasts can be short term (1 year) or long term (3-5 years). Usually startups have monthly or quarterly projections. But even if you have long term projections, reevaluate on a regular basis to make sure your company is on the right track.

These documents are all about planning, predicting problems and keeping your company's financial goals in mind. But plans can sometimes change due to an unforeseen event. Changing and evolving with the market is necessary to stay afloat. Financial projections for your business plan or information memorandum should reflect that.

Support your numbers

This may be stating the obvious, but make sure your numbers match your claims, and your data supports your numbers. Part of Financial Projections Business Plan or information memorandum is making assumptions. Therefore, for a compelling projection it is important to show where the numbers came from. So gather your numbers before making assumptions, whether they came from previous sales, market analysis, client data, bank statements and others.

Like mentioned before, do not treat your projections and CIMs as a marketing document. Be realistic and do not embellish, even when the numbers do not work in your favour. It may seem counter intuitive, but show your business's weakness too. This way your projections will seem credible and well planned.

Wednesday 7 July 2021

3 Tips From Professional Business Plan Writers for an Attention-Grabbing Pitch Deck

Professional Business Plan Writers

This must sound familiar to you. You have an amazing idea, your business plan is all sorted out, you're on your way to success, but there is a new hurdle on the way. Securing funds. If you already managed to land a meeting with a potential investor, you may now be worrying about how to write a killer Pitch Deck. Something so convincing and memorable that will give venture capitalists confidence to invest in your business. Luckily, there are ways to write a compelling pitch deck, and Professional Business Plan Writers know all about that.

Among many other documents they write, they also provide pitch deck writing services, and here is what professional business plan writers have to say from their experience.

Keep it short, to the point and informative

While you may feel compelled to tell every little detail there is about your business, keep in mind that your potential investors will lose interest if your presentation is too long. Professional Business Plan Writers advise against incorporating too many slides in your pitch deck. This will leave your audience overwhelmed with too much information.

Many agree that the golden rule is about 15 to 20 slides, but according to Guy Kawasaki, 10 slides is the optimal number. Either way, the fewer the better. But keep in mind that there still has to be enough slides to get the message across! You still want to impress investors with good numbers and the right information like your market size, business model, competitive landscape and others. Get to the point and heart of your business.

Set the stage, tell a story

Professional Business Plan Writers know that to write a memorable pitch deck you need to present it as a well composed story. And like any good story, it should have:

  1. an introduction,

  2. a problem or “conflict”

  3. and the solution/“resolution”.

Introduction is going to be the first thing that grabs their attention, so make it a good one. You should set the scene by introducing your company, your product/service and your team. Remember to keep it short and simple.

Continue with presenting the problem. Without the problem there is no product to sell or service to give. Explain the problem your target audience is facing that the market is currently not resolving. Give data and statistics to support your claims.

And lastly present your “resolution”. Here is where you shine. Use the numbers to your advantage, and present how your product solves the problem. This is how you will convince your audience to invest in your business. Your potential investors want to see solid research, your determination and capability.

Show your passion

People these days sound like a broken record when you hear them say “follow your passion”. But that is exactly what you will hear from professional business plan writers, and they are right too.

Your passion and confidence has to resonate in your Pitch Deck. It is a crucial element to your presentation. If you are not passionate about your business why would anyone else be? Showing your passion for your business is what will greatly help your presentation.  

An enthusiastic presentation is guaranteed to grab anyone’s attention, it is a way to make a connection with the audience and leave a lasting impression on your potential investors. If you’re not sure how to do that yourself, make sure to reach out to a professional to guide you or write it for you!


Sunday 4 July 2021

The Power of Using Financial Modeling to Complement the Business Plan

Financial Modeling


If you’re familiar with business plans and business presentations, you know how much relies on the numbers. Because the numbers are such a focus for nearly any audience, it stands to reason that Financial Modeling has the potential to be tremendously impactful.

Not sure how financial modeling plays into it all and can be used? Read on!

Financial Modeling is Already in the Business Plan

The first thing is to know that financial modeling already played a part in creating the Business Plan. The financial projections themselves are almost certainly the result of financial modeling. Even if you are the one that created them, you may not have realized that is what you were doing at the time. But, if you had an Excel sheet or software where you plugged in different numbers into formulas before you arrived at your final projections, that’s it!

The Power of Additional Financial Modeling in the Business Plan

So, now that we have a better understanding of what financial modeling is, we’ll get back to the main point. When used in conjunction with the business plan, they can be quite impactful. But, how?

Additional Information There is only basic Financial Modeling that typically goes into the business plan financials. Beyond that, you may choose to have additional information that may or may not go in the plan itself.

One good example would be a valuation of your company when approaching potential buyers or investors. A valuation gives a mathematically value to the likely worth of a business in the future.

There are a few different generally accepted methods for calculating this and which is best will depend on your business and to an extent, personal preference. The important thing here is to realize that financial modeling allows you to provide additional, highly relevant and impactful monetary/mathematical information to your audience beyond what is standard.

Financial Modeling in Action One of the most impactful ways financial modeling can be used is to present it dynamically. What does this mean exactly? Well, one example would be when you have an investor meeting to review your pitch deck or business plan.

Chances are, they are going to be very interested in their return under different scenarios. If you have a model that is ready to be used with them in real-time, it will likely make a positive impression. It also helps to speed up negotiations by eliminating some of the back and forth that may occur after a meeting otherwise.

Rely on the Best But, Make Sure You Understand

Now that you understand how the use and inclusion of financial modeling in the Business Plan can benefit you, it’s time to discuss your involvement in the model(s). Not everyone is an Excel wizard, and some people downright hate it. Unfortunately, it’s kind of a necessity.

So, the best course of action if it is not your thing, is to hire an expert to do it! Because one of the worst things that can happen to your business plan is for someone to identify your numbers are wrong. Further, professionals may see opportunities to present numbers in a way you don’t.

If you have a Professional Business Plan Writers create your financial models though, you should be certain you understand them. You will need to be able to explain them to someone but also answer questions and maybe even alter them in real-time. So, hire a professional but, make sure they include time to train/explain financial modeling, otherwise they might not be worth it.