Sunday 4 October 2020

Do’s and Don’ts of the Pitch Deck According to Professional Business Plan Writers


Professional Business Plan Writers

Professional Business Plan Writers have seen it all when it comes to business plans and pitch decks. Pitch decks can be especially difficult because they need to be such a brief representation of your overall business plan. When it comes to pitch decks, there are a lot of things you should ensure you do and many things you shouldn’t.

DO Keep it Short

Your Pitch Deck should be between 10 and 20 slides. As time has gone on, the expectation for the length of a pitch has gotten shorter and shorter. Investors and other audiences are busy and want to understand the overall concept of the business as quickly as possible. You need to capture the basics and highlights and let your audience ask for more information from there.

DON’T Include Unnecessary Detail

With a pitch deck, professional Business Plans Writers will remind you that you are giving a top line overview of your business. It’s a pitch, not a full business plan. The entire purpose is to elicit enough interest that your audience will want to know more about your business. Too much detail in this format will have the opposite impact.

DO Keep Your Audience in Mind

If you know anything about your audience, you should use that to your advantage if possible. If you are using it to ask friends and family for a loan, professional Business Plan writers know that it should be written in a different tone than if you are presenting to a professional investor. If you know your investor and know that only care about the bottom line, then focus on numbers over the product description. If you are pitching to a relative, they will likely be more moved by your passion and that you’ve thoroughly planned. Whatever information you have about your audience, use it!

DON’T Try to Oversell It

No business plan is perfect and there is never a 100% guarantee that your business will work or generate as much revenue in the time frame you are expecting. One of the best things that professional business plan writers are good at it as getting people excited about your business plan without overselling it. Follow this logic in your business plan and pitch deck and make sure any numbers you put forward are well supported and reasonable, not overinflated.

DO Let Your Brand Shine

There are thousands of Pitch Deck templates out there. There is no need to overwhelm yourself with reinventing the wheel. However, one thing professional business plan writers will always do, is incorporate the business’s branding. This includes things like the logos, colors, and fonts used to represent the business. This keeps it personal and cohesive.

DON’T Overuse Visuals

Visuals are an important part of the pitch deck when used correctly. You should definitely use your company branding, add charts and graphs when appropriate, and show images of your products. However, too many visuals will overwhelm your presentation. A good rule to follow is “when in doubt, leave it out”. If you’re not certain a visual element needs to be included, you should probably leave it out.

A pitch deck and a business plan should be as unique as your business. However, there are many things that can make a pitch deck less effective than desired. The above dos and don’ts are an excellent starting point that can ensure you reach your business goals. If you’re able, you may also want to consider hiring Professional Business Plan Writers to tackle this very important task.

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