Sunday, 31 May 2020

Why Your Competition is Writing Their SBA Business Plan in Miami

Do you need an SBA Business Plan?  There are a nearly infinite number of resources on writing business plans as well as business plan writers in the world.  However, there are many advantages to writing your plan locally.  Whether you are based in Miami, or your business will be in Miami, or both, these are some of the reasons why your competition completed their business plan in Miami.

You are Based in Miami

Regardless where your business will be located, if you are based in Miami, it is helpful to go local.

Local Lenders

If you are from Miami, you or your Business Plan Writer are likely to have existing relationships with local SBA lenders.  You will also be privy to their local reputation and know the ones that are known for being fair and genuinely caring about their clients.  While rates and terms are controlled to an extent by the SBA, some lenders are easier to work with than others, so it’s important to make sure you get in with a good one.

In Person Advantage

If you choose to hire a business plan writer, doing your SBA business plan in Miami is definitely the way to go!  It is much easier to convey your SBA business plan concept to a Business Plan writer in person, it can also bring a sense of comfort and security.   They can feel your passion and likely get a deeper understanding of your overall plan and vision this way.  It also makes it easier to choose the best writer.  You may be able to talk to real people that have used various firms and get local recommendations.  While online reviews are helpful, there is no testament nearly as reliable as one you hear with your own ears.

Your Business will Be in Miami

If you are not from the Miami area, you will likely use your SBA business plan to receive funds from a lender where you are located.  However, in these circumstances, it may be even more important to have your plan written where you plan to do business.

Knowing the Market

Especially when you are not from the area, having an insider working on your Miami-based business plan that truly knows the market can make a big difference.  Not only will you get more relevant Market Research, they will also be able to give advice on your marketing.   They know how to appeal to people in Miami because they are from there themselves and know the people.  The importance of this local insight into your business plan cannot be measured.

Network & Connections

When you are not from the area, it is important to make connection with the pertinent players in the business landscape of a given area.    Showing how you plan on leveraging the local community, business leaders, etc. only serves to strengthen your SBA business plan.   It demonstrates to the SBA as well as your potential lender how serious you are about your business’s success.  Factors like this give your business plan for Miami an edge that others just won’t have.

There is a reason your competition is strong.   Choosing to write their SBA Business Plan in Miami is one way they have demonstrated their keen business sense and gained an edge.   Following suit can increase your chances of success and allow you to enjoy some of the same advantages as well.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

How Business Plan Writers in Miami Can Enhance Your Franchise Business Plan

Franchising can be an advantageous opportunity for both the franchisor and the franchisee.  Regardless which side you’re on, a professional Franchise Business Plan is always recommended for a number of reasons.  If you’re considering a franchise in Miami and need a business plan, local business plan writers from Miami can offer the following advantages:

Market Knowledge

Especially if you are not a native Miamian, Business Plan Writers in Miami will have an inside edge on the market.   Market research is one of the most important aspects of the business planning process.   When this research is done by someone who actually knows the area it is that much more relevant and useful.   Often, market research data can be perceived in a vacuum, with little context.  There can often be many factors which may skew certain data in one way or another.  Those that are part of the city, are more likely to fully understand the market research, leading to better analysis.

Location, Location, Location

Inherent in the role of a business plan writer is a certain amount of feedback and consulting.  Throughout the Market Research process, you will consider the business location.  Business plan writers in Miami will know not only data points on locations but, also how it is perceived, and the type of clientele served in real life.  Their knowledge can not only confirm your location choice but, can help you decide between two or more locations in the city if you’re undecided.

No Ties to Miami?  You may still want to consider business plan writers from Miami for other reasons:

Diversity with a Focus on Hispanic & Latino Markets

Business Plan writers from Miami are more likely to have an understanding of the Latinx and Hispanic markets given the demographics of the city.  This is an often-underrepresented market and one that companies, including franchises, do not spend enough time considering or targeting.   Yet, they may make up a large and growing percent of the current U.S. population.   Having a franchise business plan that is written by someone with diversity and this market specifically in mind can have a significant benefit.

Spanish Language Fluency

Those from Miami are also more likely to be bilingual.   There are some writers out there that may write a plan in English and have it translated.   Approaching a plan this way can lead to a final franchise business plan that does not feel cohesive.  It is better to have it written in Spanish first, especially if that is your native language.  If you need a Business Plan in Spanish, consider business plan writers in Miami.  It is true there are native Spanish speakers around the country but, due to the high concentration in Miami, it may be easier to find one there.

You can hire a business plan writer from just about anywhere these days.  However, the personal knowledge of your city of choice can make hiring Franchise Business Plan writers from Miami one of the best decisions you ever make.  Not only will they have a better understanding of the market, locations and diversity of the city, they are invested in it.   Unlike writers from other areas, a local business plan writer will feel personally connected to your project as the proposed franchise will be in their city.  That tie can prompt people to work harder and create a better final product.

Sunday, 24 May 2020

5 Pitch Deck Design Tips from a Business Plan Writer

A pitch deck can be one of the most important documents your company will ever create.  A Business Plan Writer doesn’t just focus on the business plan, they also create pitch decks.   The best business plan writers know that when it comes to your pitch deck, the design is just as important as the content.  These pitch deck design tips will help ensure your pitch deck keeps the attention of your audience, pulls them in, and gets them excited about your business.

1. Use a Template and/or Color Scheme

You can design every element of your Pitch Deck from scratch but, not only is that time consuming, it often leads to an incohesive presentation.  Despite which platform your use to create your presentation, there are usually thousands of template options.  Even if you choose to design your own style, using a preplanned color scheme can be advantageous.  There is a science behind mixing colors together and some go together better than others and help keep eyes on the screen or page.  Templates and color schemes will give your presentation a professional touch and save a great deal of time.

2. Use Powerful Images

Images help evoke emotion and convey a story.   There is a world of stock photography out there these days.   It may take some searching but, you can find images that will help set the tone you wish to convey.   Whether it’s something that is going to help emphasize the problem your product or service solves or helps to convey the overall feeling of your brand, images can be a powerful way to tell the story of your business and keep your audience interested.

3. Showcase Your Branding

When it comes time to present your pitch deck, you should at least have the basics of your branding.   Use it!   One of the best ways to make your presentation unique and stand out is to use your own branding.   Even if you use a template your audience has seen several times, having your own branding included throughout makes it distinguishable.   It also shows that you truly have the nuts and bolts of your business sorted out.

4. Large Font & Limit Words

When it comes to your pitch deck, a business plan writer will tell you that less if more.  It should be approached as a tease to conjure additional interest in your full Business Plan.  Keep your text short.  Scrutinize every word and question if it needs to be included to get your point across.   Further, no one should have to squint to read your slides.  According to some experts, they recommend no less than 30-point font on slides.

5. Say No to Bullet Points

Bullet points have been overdone.   They are a great way of breaking up information and presenting it in an organized way.   They will likely be included in your business plan.  However, they have no place in your pitch deck.   If you do use them, use them sparingly and make sure every bullet really needs to be there.

If you don’t have an eye for design or a knack for visual storytelling, consider a Business Plan Writer for your pitch deck.   It’s advantageous to have a business plan writer involved from the beginning working on the business plan itself.  However, the best business plan doesn’t do any good if you can’t get potential investors or others to read it.   That starts with a beautifully designed and Professional Pitch Deck.  If the skills to achieving that aren’t in your wheelhouse, make sure to hire a business plan writer, or at the very least, incorporate their tips into your presentation.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

6 Advantages of a Business Plan According to Professional Business Plan Writers

Professional Business Plan Writers often write business plans with a highly specific purpose.   They tend to be hired when someone needs to apply for a loan, are appealing to investors, or pursuing a business immigration path.   However, long before a specific outside audience requires a plan, there are number of reasons to have a business plan for internal purposes.  Here are some of the top benefits of a business plan according to Business Plan Writers.

Confirming the Feasibility of Your Idea – One of the cornerstones of your business plan is the market research.  Throughout the process of Market Research, you are confirming there is a need for your product or service and there is not so much competition as to limit your ability to be successful.

Revealing Unstated Assumptions and Gaps – Writing down your plan brings to the forefront the assumptions about your business you may not have realized you had until your full plan is articulated.   It will also bring to the forefront things you had not previously considered at all.

Cementing Revenue Model – One of the most frequent gaps professional business plan writers see are incomplete financial plans.   The first step to figuring out your finances is determining how you will generate revenue.  Not just how but, how much.  Clearly identifying your revenue streams and how much you can bring in will help set your budget for the rest of your financial planning.

Identifying Financial Needs – With your revenue model determined, you can now begin figuring out how much you can spend and determining how you will spend it.   In many cases, you will need more money up front to setup the business.   This allows you figure out how much funding you will need to borrow or seek through investments or other partnerships.

Facilitates Adaptation – When you build your financials, you will almost always work with a financial model.  The financial model is different from your final projections.  It’s the tool that helps you determining your projections by putting in different variables to see the outcome to facilitate decision making.  When your business isn’t going to plan, or there is an economic disruption, these models can be dusted off to help you quickly reconsider your business.  This puts you in the position to be able to adapt quicker and smarter.

Planning Your Marketing – All the revenue models and Financial Projections don’t mean much if you have no clear path to how you will reach your customers and get leads.   Another key component of your plan is developing your marketing plan on a macro level.   This includes determining how you want to portray your brand, what your main message is, and how you’re going to communicate it and reach the intended audience.  This is one of the sections that Business Plan writers find benefits companies the most in the long run.

Business planning isn’t just for outside parties, it is a powerful business tool.   Professional business plan writers are always floored and excited when they are approached to write an internal plan.   Many of them are sincerely passionate about business success.  Whether you plan on considering Business Plan Writers or not, going through the process of researching and writing your business plan gives your business a better chance of success.

Monday, 18 May 2020

4 Ways an SBA Business Plan is Treated Differently by a Business Plan Writer

If you are applying for an SBA Loan you are going to need an SBA Business Plan.   Although you can write this plan yourself, it is recommended to use a business plan writer.  The advantage of using a business plan writer is that they are well-versed in all types of business plans.   There are a few things that they will do differently when approaching an SBA business plan than they would do on other types of plans.

Emphasis on Personal Credit & Finances

Unlike business plans meant for many other types of audiences, business plan writers of an SBA Business Plan will cover this very thoroughly.   Much more than other business plans, the SBA and potential lender are going to be very interested in your personal finances.  This is not only because they want to see how you manage money but, because they will likely also require personal collateral or that you are personally on the hook for the loan, regardless if the business fails or not.

Focus on Cash Flow Management

At the very top of the list of the SBA and lender’s minds is making sure you are going to be able to make your loan payments as agreed.   In other types of business plans other parts of Financial Projections are likely to take priority.  However, in an SBA business plan, a business plan writer will focus on the cash flow plans in some detail.   This gives a sense of security to the lenders that not only can your business make money, but that you’ll be able to pay them timely.

Ensure Formal and Technical Language

Unlike a business plan intended for a potential investor or other audiences, an SBA business plan should not be flashy.  You are dealing with the SBA and lenders.   These audiences expect to focus mainly on the finances and the details.  A truly skilled Business Plan Writer will make sure it is formal and technical but, also that it is not boring.   It will still tell the story of your business and keep them interested while ensuring they are getting all the information that they need.

Highlight Risk Aversion

When you are attempting to get an investor involved in your business, they have a fairly high tolerance for risk.  They are often okay with big risks for the potential of big rewards.   However, the mentality of the SBA and lenders are going to be quite different.   A business plan writer will make sure that your SBA business plan calls out all the ways risk is mitigated.   You should use conservative revenue projections and be able to support those projections.  The business plan writer will also make sure to mention any way you have evaluated and eliminated or planned to overcome foreseeable risks.   They will likely also ensure that there is a contingency built into your financials.

A business plan writer will be able to produce a strong SBA Business Plan, especially because they see so many and the know what they should look like, what tone to present them in, and what to highlight.   However, if you are going to attempt to write your plan yourself, focusing on the above elements can help ensure a successful application.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Need a Business Plan in Miami? Search for Business Plan Writers from Miami!

When you have the world at your fingertips, why go with local Business Plan Writers in Miami?  If you’re writing a business plan in Miami – whether it’s for a Miami-based business or not – there are a number of reasons.

In Person Communication Is Sometimes Best

Technology is great, and there are a number of business plan writers the world over.  However, having the ability to meet with your Business Plan writer in person just can’t be beat.  You may never need or decide to act on it but, knowing you have the option to meet with business plan writers in Miami in person can give you additional peace of mind.  Sometimes it is easier to fully communicate your business idea and help your writer truly understand your business after an in-person meeting.

They’re More Likely to Get You

It’s always easier to establish a relationship when you have common references.  If you seek out Business Plan Writers Miami you are more likely to connect with one another.  Finding someone you feel comfortable with can help you better communicate your business plans.   This will lead to a business plan that more accurately captures your business concept and passion.

Miami Market Specialists

Assuming your business is in Miami, then business plan writers from Miami will bring a serious advantage to the table.   Market Research is such an important part of a solid business foundation.   Your business plan in Miami will only benefit from having a local conducting the research.   It becomes more relevant to them and they understand the research in context.   They will likely also have local sources of information.   In many cases, actually being immersed in the market can be a more valuable asset to your business plan than the most detailed research conducted by an outsider.

They May Have Connections That Can Help Your Business Grow

Not only will business plan writers in Miami be able to refer you to other local businesses for additional services you may need, they will have other valuable local connections as well.  These connections can lead to business collaborations or partnerships.  While this doesn’t immediately improve your business plan for Miami, it can add to the future growth of your business.

Supporting Local Businesses Is Good for Your Community

The world is quite small these days.   Often, because we are able to connect with people around the globe, we all feel as though we are part of many communities.   However, we must not forget that the community where we live and/or work is important too.   The state of our local communities is vital to our own wellbeing and has an impact on the opportunities available to us.   Supporting local businesses helps keep your local economy strong.  Plus, sometimes, it just feels good to support a firm in your own backyard. 

In today’s world, you can have a business plan written by someone nearly anywhere in the world.   However, Business Plan Writers Miami can give your Miami business plan additional insight and personal touches.   In the end, this may result a business plan that truly stands out from the pack.

Sunday, 10 May 2020

The Advantages Business Plan Writers Bring to Your Franchise Business Plan

Franchising is an exciting way to expand your business while sharing in the expense and work with outside parties, known as franchisees.  In return, franchisees get a ready-made business and a great deal of business support.   When structured correctly, franchising is truly a win-win scenario.   Once you have determined your business is suited to a franchise model, the first step is to write a franchise business plan.  While you can go it alone, there are many advantages to seeking out Business Plan Writers.

Audience specific

Due to the number of business plans that business plan writers see and work on, they understand how to specifically tailor a message to the correct audience.   A Franchise Business Plan can take several different forms depending on the intent.

Franchise master plan – Rolling out a business into a franchise model takes a great deal of planning and careful consideration if it is to go smoothly.  There are number of internal key players that need to be organized and coordinated.   Rolling out a franchise can also be a lengthy process, and a franchise business plan helps keeps things on track.

Secure funding – In order to properly develop a franchise model, there is a significant amount of investment required.  In many cases, this requires would-be franchisors to seek outside funding, either through lenders, investors, or bringing on partners.   In that case, they are going to need a franchise business plan with a slightly different focus than your internal plan.   Not only will an external plan differ from an internal plan, each potential audience will have slightly different interests and concerns.

Appeal to potential franchisees – The master franchise business plan has all the necessary information to appeal to franchisees but, in order for the strongest appeal different areas should be highlighted and take prominence in the plan.   There is also some information that will be used internally or shared with potential funders, that a franchisor may want to exclude from a Business Plan that will be presented to a potential franchisee.

Franchisee plan – When a franchisee is interested in signing on, they may need to secure funding to open their franchise location.  In order to do this, they will need a version of the franchise master plan relevant to their specific location.   Many aspects of the business plan will not change from the master plan.   However, there are key areas such as market analysis and management team which will differ from the master plan.  Further, it is different when applying to open a new business, as opposed to the established business who is trying to expand.
Regardless the purpose, business plan writers know how to customize your franchise business plan so it is relevant and appealing to the correct audience.

Outside Perspective

Arguably, the top advantage that business plan writers bring to a franchise business plan – or any business plan – is an objective perspective.   They are an outside set of eyes with vast experience in businesses and business planning in general.   They will often have ideas that you may not have considered, can identify risks or gaps you may not see, and just generally help ensure that your plan is cohesive and carefully considered.

Allow You to Focus on What Matters

Don’t take this the wrong way, your Franchise Business Plan matters a great deal.   It can be one of the most important documents your business ever creates.   While you absolutely must be involved in the planning itself, that doesn’t mean you need to spend your time conducting the market research or actually doing the writing.   These steps are very time consuming and can take away valuable time you can spend doing other things to move the franchising along or running your everyday business.

These are just a few of the reasons why business plan writers should be utilized when creating a franchise business plan.   It has nothing to do with not being capable of writing the plan yourself but, rather what you will gain from hiring a professional writer.   You will need to weigh the pros and cons yourself but, the advantages that Business Plan Writers can bring to your franchising plans are well worth the investment in the long run.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Professional Business Plan Writers Share Their 5 Top Tips for a Winning Pitch Deck

A pitch deck is a powerful opportunity to get relevant parties interested in your business plan.   You may use the pitch deck to attract potential investors, funders, partners, team members and others.   Professional Business Plan Writers have seen the best and worst of these slide presentations.  These are some of their top tips for producing a compelling, successful pitch deck.

1. Tell a Story

Your pitch deck is not simply a summary of your business plan.  It should act as a teaser to get people interested in the full business plan.  This is one of the main issues professional business plan writers see with a Pitch Deck.  They often become a point by point summary, instead of weaving together the elements of the business plan to tell the story of the business proposition to capture interest.

2. Keep it Short

Your pitch deck should be no longer than 15 slides and the presentation should take no more than 15-30 minutes, or a minute or two per slide.  In fact, many professional Business Plan Writers subscribe to famous marketing specialist Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 approach.  Although it also deals with font size – no less than 30 point font – he suggests no more than 10 slides and a 20 minute presentation time.  The length should be somewhere within this ballpark.  If you can’t explain your business concept that concisely, you’re not ready to present it in pitch deck format to outside parties yet. 

3. Standalone Deck

Your pitch deck should be able to stand on its own.  The best professional Business Plan writers will tell you that your deck should be able to convey your business plan and concept without you being there to present it.   Many times, your audience will request to see the pitch deck ahead of time, or will want to review the deck prior to agreeing to a meeting.   Make sure your deck can do the talking without you.

4. Ask for the Money

This seems obvious but, professional business plan writers consistently see entrepreneurs forgetting to actually make the ask in their pitch deck.   What do you want?   The entire purpose of the pitch deck is to get your potential lender, investor, partner, etc. on board.   Make it clear what you are expecting from your audience and don’t be afraid to explicitly ask for it!

5. Share as a PDF

Sending a pitch deck and having it appear differently than you intended can make a big difference to how it’s perceived.  Professional business plan writers recommend you lock in fonts, formatting, images and other elements by sharing your Pitch Deck in a PDF format.  That way, regardless what device is being used to view your deck, it is seen by your audience in the way you intended it.

In the end, you want to keep the pitch deck simple and remember its purpose.  Your business plan is your opportunity to cover every single detail and answer all foreseeable questions.  Your pitch deck on the other hand is simply the avenue to piquing the interest of your audience.   Think of it this way: your pitch deck is to your business plan what a trailer is to a movie.   If you follow this mindset and apply the tips above from Professional Business Plan Writers, you will be well on your way to creating a winning pitch deck.

Sunday, 3 May 2020

If you Need a Miami-based Business Plan, Search Miami Business Plan Writers

Regardless where your business is located, and even if your business is virtual, you have nearly unlimited options for Business Plan Writers.  Thanks to the internet, you can connect with professionals from around the globe.  However, if you need a business plan in Miami whether it’s because that is where your business will be located or that is where you’re from, there are many advantages to hiring business plan writers in the city.

They know the local market – There are many vital components to your business plan.  Two of the most important parts of a plan is your market research and your marketing plan.  If you are creating a Business Plan in Miami, specifically one that will rely on the Miami market for customers, business plan writers from the area will have the most useful and relevant insights.  It’s true that any professional will be able to conduct research and get industry data and statistics on the area but sometimes, numbers are just numbers.   Having context from business plan writers that actually understand the area from experience can give your Miami business plan a significant advantage.

They have connections – If the business plan writers are established in the area, they will have connections in the area.   This will likely include business attorneys, banks, investors, and more.  Many of which can be potentially advantageous for any business.  Every business transaction is an opportunity.   Utilizing business plan writers in Miami could broaden your local network paving the way for meaningful local business relationships.

They speak your language – Literally and figuratively, local business plan writers can speak your language.  Miami boasts an incredibly diverse population, specifically Hispanic and Latino.  If you are Spanish-speaking or focusing on that market segment, or applying to Spanish speaking investors, you are highly likely to find business plan writers who are fluent or native to the language.  Figuratively speaking, they know the local lingo and local business trends.   They may very well have a clearer understanding of you and your business plans than those from outside the area.

They can relate – More than speaking your language, sometimes one of the most important things about a Business Plan relationship is finding business plan writers who can relate to you.  Often, fully understanding your business can mean understanding you.  If you look to complete your business plan in Miami you are more apt to find people that will understand you and your business especially if you’re from the area or currently reside there. 

They can meet in person – Thanks to technology you have the ability to hire business plan writers from just about anywhere and you can communicate and provide information via multiple platforms and formats.  However, there are advantages to being able to meet in person.  Communication is multi-faceted and sometimes it is more effective to explain your business plan in person.    A business plan is more than just a plan, it is an expression and the culmination of your passion and vision.  The best way to let someone else truly see this, is to be able to meet with them in person.

While you can find excellent business writers from around the globe, if you have a need for a business plan in Miami, start your search for Miami Business Plan Writers in the city itself.  It automatically narrows your search and will provide many advantages.