Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Your Franchise Business Plan Pitch Deck Should Include These 4 Things

When most people hear the term Pitch Deck, they often think of investor meetings. However, there are multiple scenarios under which you may want a pitch deck.  There also many types of business plans which will require or benefit from a pitch deck and a franchise business plan is no exception.

It is almost always recommended to consult Business Plan Writers to manage your business plan and pitch deck needs.   However, if you plan to create these yourself or work with a professional, these are the aspects it should absolutely be included in your Franchise Business Plan pitch deck.

1. Demonstration of Problem Solved – Regardless of the year, people still tend to think of pitch decks as slide shows.  While that is still true to an extent, more than ever audiences want more engaging or interactive content.  One way to do this is with integrated video clips.  Did you video record your customer panel during market research?  Can you take videos of random potential customers in the field trying your product or service?   Sometimes it is not enough to tell your audience that you have a good idea, you need to let them see that with their own eyes.

2. Visual Appeal – A pitch deck to accompany your franchise business plan must be visually appealing.   The franchise business plan itself may be 20-40 pages of texts and numbers.   That can quickly become monotonous to look at, especially for lenders and investors that see business plans regularly.   How you format the information, how it is synthesized, and where you include graphs, charts and stock photos in the pitch deck can make a big difference in whether or not people are hooked enough to review your entire business plan.   Make sure it entices the intended audience.

3. Concise Visuals – Not only should your plan visually make people want to look at it, your visuals need to be relevant and serve a purpose.  Each slide, page, or clip is like prime real estate and you need to take advantage accordingly.  It is important to keep your pitch deck brief while still presenting all the relevant information that will be most important and hook the viewer.  This means simplifying complex information in as condensed a format as possible while ensuring it still makes sense.

4. Understandable Financials – Part of the goal and purpose of the visuals is to present the financials in a way that makes sense to people.  If you are presenting to someone who has a numbers background, they will dive into details and any information presented with joy.  However, a great deal of your potential audience is likely to look at numbers as a necessary evil.  The numbers need to make sense to everyone.   They need be presented in charts, graphs and other ways that quickly organize and make sense of the information and keep people interested in your overall pitch deck presentation.

In the end, the pitch deck is all about bringing your franchise business plan to life in an attractive and engaging way that hooks your audience.   In many cases, your Pitch Deck is the one and only chance you have of getting your foot in the door and getting your full Franchise Business Plan reviewed by potential lenders, investors, partners, and other audiences.   Incorporating the elements above will help ensure your pitch deck stands out and captures the attention of your potential stakeholders.

Monday, 27 April 2020

Should You Hire Professional or Freelance Business Plan Writers in Miami?

Miami is home to several independent Business Plan Writers and Professional Business Plan Writing companies.  Many freelance or independent business plan writers in Miami may consider themselves professionals.   However, Professional Business Plan Writers as referred to here, refers to writers that are part of an established company.

It’s true that freelance business plan writers in Miami could know the Miami market and customers as well as professional business plan writers but, there are certain advantages one has over the other.  So, if you are starting or already run a business in Miami – or one that focuses on customers and clients from Miami – here are the top things to consider when hiring business plan writers.

Advantages to Professional Business Plan Writers

Responsive – One downside to dealing with independent business plan writers in Miami is that they are only one person.  They can get sick, get busy, or just decide to take a day off without notice.   The flow of progress stops with them.   However, with professional business plan writers, they are part of a team.   If they have a sick day or get busy with other projects, there is someone else around to help them out and pick up the slack.   With professional writers, there are usually multiple points of contact so you can always expect a response and for the work to be done timely.

Shared Expertise – Usually, professional business plan writers in Miami and beyond are part of a company that also offers other services like consulting and marketing.  Not only are they surrounded by other professional Business Plan writers, there are other people in their sphere with experience that will directly translate to creating a strong, well-rounded business plan for your company.

Polished Plan – Due to having multiple team members, especially those with additional points of view and skillsets, Professional Business Plan Writers tend to produce a more solid, cohesive, and visually appealing plan.   In some of the best companies, they actually have a graphic designer to make final touches.  The combined experience of a team leads to a high caliber and more polished plan.

Advantages to Freelance Business Plan Writers

Budget – This is not a rule but, often independent writers tend to charge less.   This isn’t always because of the quality of their work but, more due to the fact they have lower overheads.  They may also offer lower prices when trying to build their reputation and gain experience.  Hiring a freelance business plan writer in Miami may save you money but, remember, more often than not you get what you pay for.

Consistency – Although some companies will assign a sole representative to your plan, others have various members work on different sections of your plan and an additional person look it over at the end.   This method can still result in a decent business plan but, often there is more consistency and flow when it is handled by one writer throughout.  If the professional business plan writers in Miami you hire don’t mention that they have a dedicated project manager, you might be better with an independent or freelance writer. 

Overall, the decision between hiring independent Business Plan Writers in Miami or professional ones is up to you.   Each has their own pros, cons, and risks.  However, in most cases, you will be better served by professional business plan writers.  Make sure to do your research and due diligence before making your decision.  After all, a business plan can be one of the most important documents your business ever creates.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

7 Things A Business Plan Writer Does to Create a Bulletproof SBA Business Plan

When writing a business plan, it’s always best to learn from the experts.  There are some commonalities between the best advice for all types of business plans.  Yet, each individual type of business plan will be slightly different.  Here are seven things a Business Plan Writer would make sure to include or emphasize in an SBA business plan.

1. Emphasize Personal Finances & Credit History – An SBA Business Plan must do more than just sell the business concept.   It must also sell the business owner(s).  In most cases, they will be personally liable for the business debts, so the SBA and lender need to know that the individual(s) responsible for the loans are likely to be able to pay them back regardless the fate of the business.

2. Provide Well-Supported Market Research – It’s not enough to say the market for your product exists. You have to prove it.   A business plan writer knows how to present Market Research in a compelling way that makes it evident the business concept has a strong likelihood of success and there is a market expressing genuine interest in the product or service.

3. Incorporate Owner’s/Partner’s Experience Throughout – Especially if the business venture has yet to be opened or is still new, the expertise of the owners, partners, or managers needs to be exemplified.  If the business owner does not have the required relatable experience on paper, they should bring on partners or managers that fill those gaps.   The important thing in an SBA business plan is proving how all the main skillsets required to run a business are evident in the combination of owners, partners, and managers.

4. Highlights Past Successes – If the business does have history, being able to show how previous goals or objectives were met successfully is paramount.   You will also rely more heavily on past financials to build the basis of your financial models.  If your sales aren’t aligned with future projections, you will need to be able to adequately explain that gap in your SBA business plan.

5. Tie Financials into Entire Plan - The financial projections may be the last section of the business plan but, a Business Plan Writer understand that your entire plan is laying the foundation for them.  Further, your ultimate goal is to secure bank funding and lenders are notoriously known for being numbers people.  Relating everything back to financials is a way to speak their language while proving that the plan is based on facts and figures, not merely opinion and optimism.

6. Write the Executive Summary Last - Despite being the first part of a business plan, this should be the last thing that is written.  A business plan writer understands the weight of this section.  It sets the tone for the entire SBA business plan.  It is an opportunity to present a summary of the entire plan and highlight the most impressive components.   There are times when this will be the only section that is thoroughly reviewed so, you must make it count!

7. Present a Visually Appealing Business Plan – An SBA Business Plan can be dry.   You need to present an entire business concept with a great deal of supporting information in a limited number of pages.   SBA representatives and lenders are very familiar with business plans, so a little visual appeal can go a long way.  Including appropriately placed stock photography or relevant charts and graphs when discussing numbers may just give your plan the edge it needs to stand out.

Sunday, 19 April 2020

The Top Industries that Should Consider Business Plan Writers in Miami

When writing a business plan, it is always advisable the use Professional Business Plan Writers.   However, there are often instances where it is best to focus your search for these professionals to a specific geographical region.  So when might you choose to utilize business plan writers from Miami?  The most obvious answer is if you are writing a business plan for Miami because your business will be located in and dependent on customers from that city.  However, there are many other instances when it may be advantageous to search Business Plan Writers in Miami.

If you are starting a business in any of the following industries and need a business plan, begin your search for business plan writers in Miami.


This may be the most obvious industry for business plans in Miami.   Miami celebrates strong year-round tourism given their climate, beaches, and several other factors.   Many cruise lines consider the Port of Miami their home base and there are nearly countless hotels, beaches, and other tourist attractions.  If you need professionals that truly understand the tourism market, look no further for business plan writers than Miami.


The agriculture industry in South Florida is often not considered by people outside of the area.   However, Miami-based Business Plan Writers are apt to understand this industry quite well.  During the winter months, this area is the largest producer of vegetables in the U.S.   Of course, it is also responsible for producing a significant share of the country’s tropical fruits and, surprising, ornamental plants.  While not all writer from the area will be well-versed in agriculture, this area will be home to writers that do have that experience.


Another often overlooked industry in Miami is the financial industry.  The city is actually home to the largest concentration of international banks in the United States.   Further, it hosts regional or home offices for domestic banks as well.   If you require a finance-based business plan, Miami may be one of the top cities to conduct your search.   You will likely be able to find business plan writers here that are very familiar with the financial and banking industry.

International Trade

In addition to international finance, international trade is a top industry in the area.  The Port of Miami not only services the cruise industry but, also trade.   The Miami International Airport is also a thoroughfare for other international goods and products.   In general, the city is quite diverse and proud of it!   This type of environment can give a particular advantage if your business plan, whether Miami-based or not, deals with international trade on any level.

Spanish-Language Media

Not only is Miami diverse in general, it is also home to a large bilingual and Spanish-speaking population.   This is likely why many Spanish-Language media giants like Sony Music Latin, Telemundo, Univision and others situated their headquarters in the city.   If you are planning a business that has anything to do with Spanish-language media or targeting the American Spanish-speaking demographic, the best location to start your considerations for your Business Plan is Miami.

At the end of the day, you can realistically hire a business plan writer from nearly anywhere around the globe.   However, there are certain factors and industries which are particularly well suited for Business Plan Writers from Miami.  If you fall within one of these sectors, trusting your business plan to Miami based writers can give your market research and overall plan a significant edge.

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

3 Ways a Business Plan Writer Will Improve Your Franchise Business Plan

There are many reasons why you may need a Franchise Business Plan. If you are looking to seek outside investors or funders to help you develop your franchise model you will need a specific business plan for that.   If you are ready to start soliciting potential franchisees, you will need another version of your business plan for that purpose.   Further, you may need another version to serve as a master plan that your new franchisees can use to tailor to their location and solicit partners, funding, attract customers, etc.  Regardless your needs, a Business Plan Writer will be able to improve your franchise business plan in several ways.

1.       Tailoring to Specific Purpose

They know what needs to be simply stated and what needs to be explained in more detail or supported with analysis, facts, figures, and graphs/charts.   This will vary depending on your audience.   In addition, how your plan is presented, organized, length, and level of formality will vary depending on audience as well.   A business plan writer will have experience working with various audiences and be in the best position to tailor your plan, or make it adaptable, for the correct audience(s).

Not only will they understand your specific audience, they understand the ins and outs of franchising.   Especially if you are just beginning your franchise journey, it is very beneficial to have a business plan writer on your side.  Business plan writers don’t only serve the function of communicating your plan, they also act as consultants by sharing with you what they have learned from working on other franchise business plans.  That experience can be invaluable to you creating an excellent plan.

2.       Comprehension and Visual Appeal

A business plan writer knows how to strike the balance between giving too much and not enough information.  Presenting something in your franchise Business Plan that doesn’t make sense to your reader is a waste of page space.  On the flip side of that, going in to too much detail can make your audience lose interest or feel overwhelmed by the information you are presenting.   You need to present all your information professionally but in a way your audience can easily understand and will keep them interested.

Further to presenting the right information is presenting it in a visually appealing way.   Some facts and figures are easily explained in words.  Others require being put in a chart or graph format.   Other areas and aspects of you plan may need a good stock photo that represents an idea or concept which will help break up the breadth of text and information that is presented.

3.       Objectivity and Identifying Gaps

A business plan writer will let you know if they feel something is missing from your franchise business plan.  Often, when you are very close to something it can be difficult to remove yourself far enough to see the big picture.  This can especially be the case in business.  As you get more caught up in the day to day and actual work of your business the harder it can sometimes become to do thorough, realistic long-term planning.   The Franchise Business Plan is all about the short and long-term plan and demonstrating how all parts of your business plan are cohesive.   The objective eye of a business plan writer is perfectly suited to identify these gaps and bring aspects of your business together to strengthen your plans.

Sunday, 12 April 2020

The 5 Most Important Aspects of Your SBA Business Plan According to Business Plan Writers

At the heart of it, an SBA Business Plan is a business plan for a bank.  Yes, the SBA is involved in the process and guarantee part or all of the loan but, at the end of the day you are still applying for a loan.   Applying for an SBA loan is different than applying for other types of funding.  Business Plan Writers know that among all the paperwork required for an SBA loan, the SBA Business Plan is one of the most important.  Which, means it is paramount to get it right and highlight the correct information including:

1.       Financials

Your Financial Projections should be thorough, clearly laid out, and realistic.   Keep in mind you are presenting this to a bank.  They understand numbers and financials better than nearly anything else.  They also see enough business plans and projections to gauge how realistic they are and how likely they are to succeed.  It is important to remember that although your financial projections are presented in totality at the end of the plan, they should be discussed and tied in throughout.  The rest of your plan is really just laying the foundation and providing support for your financials.

2.       Cash Flow

Business plan writers emphasize that among all the financials, showing strong cash flow management is key.  This should be a well-considered and supported part of your SBA business plan.  At the end of the day, the SBA and lender want to know you’re going to be able to pay your loan.  It’s not enough to show your expected sales and expenses.   You need to have a clear plan for how you will manage these things, control timing, and make sure you always have enough cash on hand to pay your loan as agreed.

3.       Ensure Repayment

Further to demonstrating a sound cash flow plan, if necessary, offer collateral or present cosigners.  More than other types of proposals, your personal credit and business credit will come into question.  If it’s a new business, you have low personal credit, or bad business credit, you will drastically increase your chance of approval if you have collateral or a cosigner.  Unlike other types of funding options, you are typically personally on the hook for business loans regardless what happens to the business.  If it is likely the bank or SBA will require additional measure to ensure you can repay the loan, offering them proactively can go a long way to building a good relationship and being approved.   

4.       Management Experience

As the world, workforce, and traditional employment continue to evolve, it seems like more and more people want to be entrepreneurs or work for start-ups.  This is exciting and it is what the Small Business Association is there to encourage.   However, within your SBA Business Plan you must prove that your management can run the business successfully and achieve the goals and projections laid out in your plan.   Maybe your only “experience” has been running a family, and that’s okay!   Make sure to tie multiple aspects of that experience into running a business.   If you feel you don’t have the skills or experience on paper that will make a lender or the SBA feel secure in lending you funds, find other people to act as partners or managers that do.  After all, part of being a strong, successful business owner is often knowing what you don’t know.

5.       Market Analysis & Marketing

Especially if your company is new, you need to prove that there is a market for your business.   Regardless the age of your business, the SBA business plan should also very clearly, realistically, articulate how you are going to meet your sales projections.  This is one area where business plan writers can spend a great deal of their time.  Proper market analysis leads to good marketing decisions which lead to sound financial projections.   Every section of the SBA business plan is intimately connected but, these two supports your sales and when done right, are key to successfully securing funding.

It’s easy to get caught up in your own business and believe everything is important and impressive.   However, when submitting an SBA business plan, or business plan for any other type of bank loan, Business Plan Writers will almost always produce a better end product.  However, if you are unable to hire one, following their advice can give you the greatest chance of success.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Why to Trust Your Pitch Deck to Professional Business Plan Writers

Whether you choose to have Professional Business Plan Writers write your business plan or not, you should definitely consider the option when creating a pitch deck.  A Pitch Deck is an abbreviated version of your business plan, typically presented in a visual-appealing, slide based format.  It is used to present information in a highly engaging way and to encourage people to want to dig deeper into your full plan.  Because of the nature and purpose of the pitch deck, it needs to be the best representation of your business plan possible.  There are many reasons why professional Business Plan Writers are better suited for this than trying to do it yourself of having it done in-house.


You may be the expert about your business but, professional business plan writers are experts on how to present that information.   Specifically, for the pitch deck, they know how to make sure it’s visually appealing, attention grabbing and gives the audience just enough information to encourage them to look further into your business and read the full plan.  Professional Business Plan Writers do this for a living, and they have the skills and insight to understand how to balance presenting pertinent information while making it engaging and easy to understand.


You know the details of your business plan and your business.  However, that’s likely a great deal of information.  Professional business plan writers know what your audience really needs to know.  When you are intimately involved with your business, you tend to think everything is important and impressive.  Regarding outside parties, however, that usually is not the case.  An expert, objective set of eyes is better equipped to discern what your audience will truly be interested in, what they really need to know, and how to present it in a short format that makes them want to pay attention and keeps their interest.


Part of the expertise professional Business Plan Writers possess is understanding exactly how to appeal to your specific audience.   You may need a pitch deck for a potential investor, partner, co-founder, or even customers.  Yet all these audiences will be most interested in different parts of the plan and certain points of information.  The professionals truly understand all these different audiences, as well as your business plan.  They are better equipped to present a fully tailored plan made for the right audience.  This aspect alone is enough to make or break a presentation. The best presentation in the world won’t matter if you aren’t giving your audience what they truly want. This applies to nearly everything even beyond pitch decks.

The most effective way to achieve your goals is to trust both your Professional Pitch Deck and business plan to professional business plan writers. However, if you’re only going to have one component handled by a professional, it should be your pitch deck. We all know the importance of first impressions.  Your Pitch Deck is the first impression of your business that very key people and potential stakeholders will see.  Make sure it makes the best impression possible by hiring a professional!

Monday, 6 April 2020

The Importance of Market Research in the Business Planning Process

Market Research is the process of gathering valuable information about your target market and identifying the needs and preferences of potential customers. This research is most important during the initial business planning process, prior to launching. It is also appropriate for existing businesses as they evolve and look to grow.

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Read More The Importance of Market Research in the Business Planning Process

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Successful Cannabis Business Plan Strategy to Follow

With the continued legalization of cannabis in many states and countries, the cannabis business is flourishing, and the probability of making massive profits in this sector continues to multiply. If you are interested in venturing in this industry, look for Top Business Plan Writers to help you craft a killer Cannabis Business Plan and get a grip in this goldmine industry.

With so many people jumping into the cannabis bandwagon, it is essential to carefully think through and come up with an exceptional idea that fills an unmet need.

Here is a Cannabis Business Plan strategy to follow for you to scale your business higher

  1. Come Up with a Unique Idea
The cannabis industry is vast, with endless opportunities ranging from legal use to recreational use. You need to choose which segment of the cannabis business you want to venture in. We have dispensaries, pharmaceutical products as well as edibles. Remember that there are many regulations and high taxes in the cannabis industry because it is not legalized in all states. You can even settle for the ancillary cannabis businesses like professional training, education, consultancy, and cultivation of cannabis using hydroponics. By this, you will not fall for the red tape and hefty taxes.

  1. Understand Your Target Market
Understanding who your target market is and what are their interests in your products or services is the next step. This will help you understand their needs and wants. You achieve this by researching to know how you can meet the demand of your consumers and satisfy them.

  1. Look for Working Business Models
As a startup in the cannabis industry, looking for working business models will help you scale your business higher. Having a Cannabis Business Plan will guide you on how to channel your business to get better results. For instance, you can collaborate with successful cannabinoid pharmaceutical companies that share the same market with your business.

  1. Raise Enough Capital
Cannabis is still illegal under federal law. This makes it a challenge for the investors to fund and support the cannabis businesses since they consider it as an illegal venture. Since banks may not fund your cannabis business, look for private investors who understand the cannabis industry. However, things are likely to change in the coming years as the cannabis industry is exploding in growth and attracting many prospects.

   5. Follow Regulations and Compliance

The rules, regulations, and set laws for opening and getting a license to operate a cannabis business are incredibly complex. Also, each state has different laws that make it more complicated. Working with Top Business Plan Writers will ensure you know all the rules in your state and follow them. By not complying with the set rules, you face hefty fines, your business shut down, and worse end up in jail. You can avoid all these by following government regulations and compliances.

These are some of the ideas that can help you thrive in the cannabis industry. At, we are top Business Plan Writers and can help you with your Cannabis Business Plan that will ensure you succeed in the industry.