Sunday 19 January 2020

How to Structure an Information Memorandum

The concept of summing things down into a brief and easily understandable profile is widespread. Today, whether you are looking for a job, a life partner, or friends, you need to explain who you are in a simple, structured manner, and this is no different when it comes to businesses. An Information Memorandum acts as a selling point to investors. Those looking to go through the sales process need to evaluate, assess, and describe who they are to get the best deals. As such, most companies will seek the assistance of professionals who work to understand the business to come up with the best results.
The best way to comprehend all factors that impact the performance of a business is to liaise with key contributors to the day to day running, and those who handle significant decisions. Once all the necessary information has been conveyed, the next step is to compile it into a sensible document. The two things that inform this part of the process is:
  1. The need to be precise and concise.
  2. Transparency and accuracy of information.
Components of an Information Memorandum
The structure is crucial since the information develops and impacts different areas of a business. The following is an overview of the organization the content should have:
  1. Executive Summary
This is 1-2 pages long and should highlight all essential elements of the business. Other than the finances, which are accurately depicted through financial modeling, you should introduce your products and services. Additionally, this is where you explain why your company fits the profile the target investor seeks.
  1. Investment Thesis
This is where you explain the rationale behind your business being an excellent investment. Talk about your market position, networks, relationships with clients, and key players in the industry, and growth opportunities.
  1. Market Information
Factors such as how big, current trends, best strategies, and competition should be presented based on data from credible sources.
  1. Company Details
This should be explored both from a historical stance and the current position. Include information on when the business was established, employees, number of locations, and any new developments made.
  1. Products and Services
Since these are the elements that drive daily activities, you should be keen to present them based on their characteristics. Highlight the differences between products and services, the target market for each, and the financial implications of each.
  1. Main Contributors
Three groups of people should be included, the employees, management, and customers. For employees, information on their qualifications, location, and role makes up their profile. The management is crucial since it makes all decisions about finances. The client base section should have details on the size and their contribution to the revenue.
  1. Financial Elements
The information presented here determines the outlook of Financial Modeling, which is a vital part of this process. Therefore, you should analyze elements that affect the revenue, such as geographical location, products, and the performance of different departments. Include the profit-loss documents for previous years, which should be a basis for projections.

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