Wednesday 1 September 2021

8 Tips that Apply to a Pitch Deck or Information Memorandum

Pitch Deck

Writing any business documents can be a daunting task. The sheer amount of work that goes into writing them may seem distressing, but it doesn't have to be that way. There are a few helpful tips that will make your Pitch Deck or Information Memorandum a bit easier to prepare.

  1. What is it their purpose? Who are they for?

First things first, why do you need these documents? The purpose of your documents determines who will be reading them and what exactly will be included in them, or at the very least, what kind of information you should prioritize. Your business documents will be shaped by your reader's interests, whether they are an investor or loan officer.

  1. Do the market research

Market Research is an integral part of any business plan, but they are very important for information memorandums and pitch decks too. They show the potential success a product or service may have with customers, and can demonstrate to buyers or investors just how valuable your business is in the market.

  1. Support your claims with numbers

Your readers will not appreciate bold, unsubstantiated claims. They are not interested in listening to fairy tales but want to hear facts and see results. And the best way to do that is by gathering your numbers from your financial history or research, as mentioned above.

  1. Include financial projections

Financial projections predict future revenue through financial modeling. By gathering numbers from your business’s financial history, a forecast can be made to determine all of the potential financial trajectories a business can take. Your audience will want to know where your business is going and if it is going to be a success.

  1. Honesty is the best policy

Pitch decks and Information Memorandums may seem like advertisements for your business, but they are most definitely not. Sure, they are used to promote your business, but many make the mistake of only showing the positive side of their company. Your investors or buyers will want to know the full story to be able to make an informed decision. So do not hide unfavorable or damning data. Instead, be sure to mention it and provide solutions.

  1. Think about the format

Because pitch decks are short presentations of your business, averaging about 15 slides (or less), they should not be overwhelmed with details. That is a sure way to lose your audience's attention. Therefore, the information included in them needs to be carefully selected.

On the other hand, information memorandums are detailed descriptions of your business, and therefore can be lengthy documents. They can range from 30 to 50 pages, depending on the size of your company.

  1. Layout and visual appeal.

It goes without saying that pitch decks need to be informative as well as aesthetically pleasing. Your slides should not be difficult to follow because they’re oversaturated with text. So make bullet points, get to the point, and include graphs. Similarly, your information memorandum should be clear and easy to read.

  1. When in doubt, ask the professionals for help

It is no wonder business documents are difficult to write. But you don’t have to do it alone. There are plenty of Professional Business Plan Writers, who have plenty of experience in writing these types of documents. A good piece of advice is to turn to them for help.

If you consider all of these tips, or at least some of them, writing business documents will be a breeze. Knowing how to approach them is half the battle and can save you a lot of trouble. Therefore, keep these tips in mind, they will come in handy when writing your Pitch Deck or information memorandum.

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