Tuesday 1 June 2021

5 Reasons to Turn to Professional Business Plan Writers for Your Information Memorandum

Professional Business Plan Writers

Often, when people find themselves in need of a business plan they will turn to Professional Business Plan Writers. What many people don’t know is that they usually also do other types of documents like Pitch Deck and information memorandums.

Information memorandums, also called confidential information memorandums (CIMs), are a marketing document used to solicit interest from potential buyers or investors in a business. There are many reasons why to trust this critical document to professional business plan writers.

  1. Business Plan Similarities – The most obvious reason is that an Information Memorandum is so similar to a business plan. If professional business plan writers are great at business plans, it stands to reason they will also be great at a CIM. This is simply because so many of the sections and other aspects overlap. But, that’s far from the only reason.

  1. Objective View – Professional business plan writers are so valuable because they offer an objective view. If you are selling your business, an objective set of eyes can be invaluable. When you work within your business it’s common to have difficulty “seeing the forest from the trees” as the saying goes. However, potential buyers want to know that they are getting a clear picture from the information memorandum. So, it helps to have someone who will realistically present the positives but, also positive address the negatives.

  1. Understand Investors (or Audience in General) – One of the best reasons to turn to professional Business Plan Writers is because they have a deep understanding of the investors and know how to write for the audience. Two of the most common types of business plans are for bank loans and investors. Whether you are writing your Information memorandum for a complete sale or a partial investor, they will have an investor mindset. Choosing someone who knows how to write to appeal to them will be invaluable.

  1. Time Is of the Essence – Creating the information memorandum can often create a bottleneck. This slows down the speed at which you can sell your business. Whether you are an individual owner or an M&A firm, time is of the essence. If you go with professional business plan writers, especially a firm, they tend to offer excellent turnaround times, sometimes as little as 3-5 days, which means you can sell your business quicker or run more deals in parallel.

  1. Professionalism Is in the Name – One of the quickest ways to turn someone off from reading your Information Memorandum and considering purchasing your business is to present an unprofessional CIM. You should hire professionals because, well, they are professional and will prepare a professional document. This will get you one step closer to getting a great offer for your business.

Because an information memorandum is not a business plan, the first thought isn’t always to hire Professional Business Plan Writers. However, for the reasons above and more, they should be one of the first calls you make. Their experience, objectivity, and professionalism will add something to your CIM that allow it to stand out from all the other businesses for sale and help you fetch the best price possible. Consider contacting one today!

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