Monday 30 March 2020

4 Reasons to Consider Professional Business Plan Writers

Essentially, a business plan is a roadmap for a company or brand. It is a declaration of goals as well as an expression of the details on how they will get there. It also includes the foundation, or research and analysis, to demonstrate that their plan is sound and realistic. Business plans are incredibly useful, albeit optional, for the purpose of internal planning and operations. However, they are often required by external parties that a company may choose to work with. Our Professional Business Plan Writers in Miami, Florida have collaborated with numerous start-ups and SMEs and have profound knowledge in many different industries in this region.

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Read More 4 Reasons to Consider Professional Business Plan Writers

Wednesday 25 March 2020

The outline of a good SBA Business Plan

An SBA Business Plan is a formal document that outlines the future goals of a business, the strategies, and the timeframe in which the business owner will achieve his/her goals. A good business plan will take you step-by-step on how to start and run your business.

A business owner must make sure they have a good Business Plan because that is what will attract investors and new business partners. A good business plan gives the investors the confidence to invest in the business and assure them of a return for their investment.

The best way of making sure that one has a good SBA business plan is hiring someone who is well capable of writing a good BUSplan which will be convincing to the potential investors.

There are many Professional Business Plan Writers in the market today. It is crucial for the owner, to choose one that understands the nature of the business and the goals to be attained. That way, the SBA Business Plan will be a tool to attract new business partners. 

Joorney is a company that offers an array of professional Business Plan Writers who have lots of experience in the writing of SBA business plans.

A good business plan entails the following parts.


The summary is the first part of an SBA Business Plan, which contains the table of contents, the background of the company, competitive advantages, financial highlight, and the management overview. The executive summary should include what the business owner wants in brief. It should be precise and to the point and usually is no longer than one page. 

Business structure

Here, the business owner should explain the nature of the business and the reasons behind the choice of that specific business. You should discuss the service you are offering or the products you are selling discussed extensively. If it is a product, you should describe the manufacturing process and its advantages to consumers.

Marketing research and strategies

The business owner should present well-researched facts showing why he/she believes that this is a lucrative business.  Competitive pricing of the product or service is usually discussed in this part of the business plan. You are also supposed to outline the marketing strategy to be used for the marketing of the product or service. Research is crucial because it gives the investor the confidence to know whether he/she can invest his/her money into the business.

Organization and management team

You should provide the bios of the company management team and executives. And their expertise was discussed. A team with vast experience in the business is an excellent thing because investors will always evaluate the risk involved. If the unit lacks the knowledge needed, then the potential partners lose trust and, as a result, fail to fund the company.  

Financial plan

The owner of the business should present the financial documents in this stage. You should table the profits and loss statements, balance sheet, and the expected revenue for the next three years. Note, this should be projections and not the current financial standing of the company.

The benefit of choosing one of the Professional Business Plan Writers from Joorney is that you will get an effective SBA Business Plan and the objective perspective of an outsider.

Monday 23 March 2020

Questions to Answer Before Writing Your Restaurant Business Plan

Did you know that restaurant business plan samples are the top 3 downloaded types of business plan samples? If you are dreaming of becoming a restaurateur, you need a comprehensive restaurant Business Plan to a be successful.

A proper business plan will transform your ideas into reality. It is a primary document of reference to describe your concept and ideas in way investors, lenders, consultants, and partners can understand.

If you are not from a business background, writing a compelling business plan may be an impossible task. The thing is, there is so much work done, and people to run a restaurant and preparing a business plan for a restaurant is not an easy task. But there are Restaurant Business Plan Writers who can help with the tedious work.

While the structure of a restaurant business plan varies depending on the business sector, here are some questions you need to answer to create an effective restaurant business plan.

  1. What is your intended location?

You need to know where your restaurant will be located or have an idea of which neighborhood it will be situated in. The location of a restaurant determines vital elements in the business plan. This includes things like your competitors, the venue type, and who will be your customers. Research and ask yourself what restaurants are successful in that area and which are less successful and why. Researching the competition in that location will help you do market analysis and craft a business plan that will beat the competitors. Also, research the kind of permits you need to operate a restaurant in that area. This will help you plan your finances well.

  1. Who is the Audience for the Business Plan?

Business plan formats vary depending on the primary audience. Are you writing your business concept in the form of a Bank Business Plan to approach investors or lenders to fund your project? Or is the business plan specifically to guide you and your restaurant staff.? Both scenarios will have different formats. Your audience determines the writing format you follow and areas to emphasize others, depending on your purpose. Working with Restaurant Business Plan Writers will help you write a business plan in a format that fits your audience.

  1. What Technology will You Incorporate?

Technology use in restaurants is rampant. From ordering systems, accounting, and payroll systems, track inventory, and financial management systems. Having a clear idea of the kind of Technology you want in your restaurant right from the start will help in budgeting and planning.

  1. Financials

You need to have a rough idea of how much money you need to start your restaurant and also how to price your meals to make profits. You can ask for information from advisors to know what finance performance to expect in your restaurant.

Writing a restaurant business plan requires answers to hundreds of questions. Answering some of these questions can help you craft an ideal business plan. However, working with Restaurant Business Plan Writers can make the whole process easier for you since they have experience. At, we specialize in writing business plans in different niches. Whether you want a Bank Business Plan or a franchise business plan, we got you covered.

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Business Plan Writers: What Every Startup Needs

Every startup business or a business that wants to venture into new markets needs a Business Plan. This is an essential tool that acts as a road map to business success. An effective business plan contains a well-laid out and detailed information of what your business is business growth and its profitability. It also provides clarity in all aspects of your business, like marketing, finance, and product/service details.
An ideal business plan highlights all the facets of your business from production, marketing, growth, and sales. You need a well-crafted business plan to secure funding from investors to get the company running. Though it seems like something anybody can write, it takes a skilled person to write a business plan. That is why you need to hire Business Plan Writers to create a compelling proposal for your company.
Here are some of the advantages of hiring business plan writers;
  1. Writers Have Critical Skills
When you engage Business Plan Writers Miami to write your business proposal, you hire professionals. To write an effective business plan, you need a wide range of skills. You want a person with extensive knowledge of business, its operations, and an understanding of marketing and sales techniques. Business Plan Writers have all these specialized skills. They can help you communicate the intricacies of your business to investors and lenders. A skilled writer will help you explain and express the vision of your business and ensure that your business plan pitch is clear to the prospects.
  1. Strong Market Knowledge and Analysis
Conducting market research while writing a business plan is very vital. You need to know your market in and out to create a fitting business plan. Business Plan Writers have access to the market research database and extensive research skills. They can gather the information that helps them uncover crucial metrics and trends in the market. Based on their comprehensive research, Professional Business Plan Writers conduct a market analysis in line with your industry, competitors, relevant demographics, consumer demand, and your target market. This helps them to create a unique business plan that boosts your brand higher. As a business owner, you may not have the time and dedication to do all this necessary research. That is why it's best to leave it to the professionals to handle the tiring work for you.
  1. Experience
Since you are new to the world of entrepreneurs, you need someone experienced to help you turn your ideas into a successful business. Having knowledge and experience in the world of business plan writing is crucial. Business plan writers have been in the industry and are experts that go beyond writing. They know the language and the format that hooks the investors and enhances your chances of success. They also have the necessary tools and resources that help in writing a successful business plan.
  1. Meet Deadlines
Business Plan Writers are dedicated to completing your document on time. Unlike you who have other things to handle and distractions from daily operations, their work is only to write the business plan. This means working with them is a guarantee to a quick turnaround time business plan.
You can devote more time to your business by hiring business plan writers to do the tedious work for you. At Joorney, we are Professional Business Plan Writers in Miami that help in business plan writing services at a quick turnaround time.

Sunday 15 March 2020

Create a Stellar Franchise Business Plan with These Tips

The secret of any business success is to have a well laid-out business plan. Starting a franchise business is easier because it has a much higher success rate than starting a business from scratch. You use a proven model and have the help of the franchisor. However, a Franchise Business Plan is more complicated than the typical business proposal because it addresses the interests of the franchisor and franchisee. Hiring a professional Business Plan Writer will help you craft a stellar plan. The good news is that the franchisor provides the bulk work of the outline. Also, the franchisor offers the franchise disclosure document, which is like a massive Business Plan. You need to make sure that your business plan is tailored with information for your location.
Follow these tips to write a winning Franchise Business Plan
  1. Remember the Principle of- Protection for Both
Your Franchise Business Plan ideas should show interest in protecting the franchisor and your business. If you need funding in your business, this strengthens your claims. This is because if you seek to protect the franchisor interests, then investors believe that you are interested in protecting their investments too. Investors also see that you understand the relationship with your franchisor, and anything that builds you benefits the franchisor too.
  1. Combine the Marketing Strategy of the Franchisor with Your Own
Most likely, the franchisor provides a proven marketing strategy that works for them. However, you are responsible for marketing your franchise business at the local level. Study and list marketing channels that you will use to attract and retain customers. This includes channels like email marketing, social media, community events, and coupons. Remember to assign each email marketing strategy a cost. This will help you know and plan for your marketing budget right from the start.
  1. Ask for Help from the Professionals
If you are not an expert, do not attempt to write a Franchise Business Plan on your own. This document requires the help of professionals. Hire Business Plan Writers to help you craft a business document that will impress your investors. Professionals have experience and the necessary skills to write a compelling business plan. They will also ensure that your business plan is ready on time, and you don't have to rush at the last minute.
  1. Craft the Policymaking Summary Last
Generally, the executive summary is written at the start of a business proposal. However, it is much easier to summarize your plan after you have put everything together. This will help you ensure that you don't miss to include anything valuable in your summary.
  1. Know your Financial Details
Know your numbers if you will seek capital from investors. Creditors want to be sure that you know your profit margins, revenue, and sales prediction. You should also match the financial requirements that franchisors ask and the upfront franchise fee. Highlighting practical financial information gives a clear picture of your business to investors.
A Franchise Business Plan is an essential tool to launch and grow your business. At, you will find a Business Plan Writer who specializes in this kind of writing. By working with us, you get your business proposal on time, and it saves you time and money.

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Why Financial Modelling is Important for Your Business

In today's corporate world, Financial Modeling is the key element to make significant business decisions. A Financial Projection Business Plan is an excellent tool for executing business choices, preventing risk, and getting perfect financial business solutions. Financial Modeling provides a clear picture of the predicted financial performance of your company. This enables your business ideas and risk to be estimated cost-effectively. Monetary modeling is critical to any startup or an existing business that wants to scale higher.
Why is it Vital to have a Financial Projections Business Plan?
  1. Helps in Choosing a Funding Plan
By developing financial models, you can clearly understand how the money flow state in your business will be. You will know the cash stream needs that your company requires, and this will help you strategize on where to get the capital. For a startup business, financial modeling can help you know the amount of money you need to invest in your business to survive until you start generating revenue. This will help you present an idealistic and attractive valuation of your company's financial situation to potential investors.
  1. Helps in Future Planning
Financial Modeling exercises helps in providing answers instantly to the 'what ifs' or things that may take months or years to happen. This is good for businesses as it helps in future planning. You have an idea of what to expect if you make a certain decision. This enables you to make better financial decisions. The availability of information helps you take a strategic advantage for your business. You are also able to prepare your business to adapt quickly to a changing situation.
  1. Helps you Minimize Risks
With financial models, businesses can minimize financial risks. This is because you know the results of taking a particular action and what is likely to occur. A Financial Projection Business Plan indicates the impact of marketing campaigns, how price changes can affect your business, and the cost of venturing into a new market. All this information will help you lower financial risks in your industry.
  1. Ability to Value Your Business
You can only value the exact worth of your business by using financial demonstrations. This is because it can determine the amount of money flow that will accumulate to the company at different times of the year. It provides a thorough analysis of debt and equity structure together with returns expected by investors. Knowing your company's worth will help you sell your pitch deck successfully to third parties like investors and lenders.
  1. Monthly Assessments
With Financial Modeling, you can make monthly assessments of your company on its actual performance versus the predicted plan. This is a critical response, particularly for startups, as it can help you make changes that will ensure your business scales in returns in the long run.
You should get help from Joorney's Financial Projections Business Plan experts who offers a fast turnaround of Financial Modeling Consulting, which is a plus to your company. Working with our experts will scale your business to greater heights.

Sunday 8 March 2020

How to Create a Winning Pitch Deck

So, you want to wow the investors with an amazing pitch? Whether you are a new business owner or a veteran in the market, pitching your start-up idea of an invention or service to a hall full of potential investors is stressful. You will need a Professional Pitch Deck that gets the consideration of investors and lands you funding.
Structuring your pitch deck using the correct content and design will win you, potential stakeholders. Read on to know how to make a killer Pitch Deck that will get you capital.
  1. Get the Required Tools
There are many ways to create an effective pitch deck. You can use Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote. However, you don't need to worry if you don't have all the essential tools or don't know how to create a pitch deck. Consider hiring Pitch Deck Services and leave all the trouble of creating an excellent pitch to them.
  1. Choose the Right Story to Tell
A pitch deck is a way of illustrating a story of your business to your potential investors, customers, and partners. You need to tell your business story in a way that will grab your audience's attention. This will help you choose what to and what not to include in your presentation. You can start by highlighting your company's highest achievement and explain things like; your revenue growth, closed deal with major partners/customers, your business vision, successful co-founders, and any technological breakthroughs. Such narratives will impress the investors, and they may be attracted to your pitch.
  1. Tailor Your Presentation to Your Prospects
The secret of an engaging pitch deck is to know your prospects. Your demonstration should be tailored depending on the kind of your viewers and the medium through which they will have it. When presenting your pitch deck face-to-face to your investors, make it very photographic with limited text. If your prospects will obtain it through their laptops or tablets, make the presentation understandable, brief and clear with infographics and bullet presentations.
  1. Make it Easy for Stakeholders to Understand You
To have a pitch deck that wins, prospects need a clear understanding of who you are and how well you understand the market. To achieve that, don't miss the following in your slides;
  1. Title
Write the name of your company, followed by a simple description that captures the reader's attention.
Every business aims at solving a particular problem in the market. Highlight what problem your business is solving.
  1. Solution
What solution will your products/services bring to problems highlighted? Also, explain some benefits of the answers.
  1. Market Size
Define your market magnitude. Who are your target customers?
  1. Competition
Who are your competitors, and why do you think you will outdo them?
  1. Business Model
Highlight how your products or services will make money, your pricing, and how to attract and retain customers.
  1. Financials
This one receives much attention, be prepared to explain in-depth your income streams, total revenue, expenses, market penetration, and what your revenue will look like in five years.
Structuring an effective pitch deck may sound like a daunting task. At Joorney, we specialize in providing Pitch Deck Services that are tailored to your business needs. Leave it to the experts to create a Professional Pitch Deck in line with your business plan in a fast turnaround of time and get funding.

Thursday 5 March 2020

Does your business need a Confidential Information Memorandum?

There are many important factors to consider before choosing the right consulting firm for your company’s needs. Whether you are a new business or an established one, you need a team of experts you can trust to protect your company’s valuable financial information. Joorney offers many services to its clients who are searching for the perfect level of support in planning for their financial needs. They will value your Business Plan and support you in reaching your personal and professional goals.

The team of professional advisors at Joorney develops this comprehensive package to garner interest in your business from prospective buyers and business investors. Important aspects of your business will be presented in a way that is informative yet efficient. This high-quality document will illustrate all that makes your company unique and valuable in a manner that is objective and professional. By sharing relevant information during the acquisition process, all potential buyers and investors will receive the same insight into the value of your business. Joorney has the experience you need and the professionalism you can trust when it comes to showcasing your business.

Your Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM) will include key elements including, but not limited to, an executive summary, a description of services, details of the deal, an exit analysis, and marketing opportunities, as well as marketing strategies. Unlike other business strategists, Joorney is highly recommended by others as they carefully create a business plan specifically designed for the needs of each business.

Determine the value of your business with expert Financial Modeling Consulting.
The team at Joorney will forecast your company’s financial performance well-beyond today’s market. Based on your cash flow history, the Financial Modeling Consulting at Joorney determine the potential growth of your business for all prospective investors.

A working draft of the financial model they develop becomes available in only 15 working days. The model will address such interests as the capital needed for investments or business ventures. A colorful spreadsheet will illustrate projected sales growth, as well as available funds, potential business expenses, the distribution of debt and equity, international rate of return (IRR), and the net present value (NPV) for your business.
Why Work With Joorney

Joorney is led by a team of 30 experts with considerable banking experience. You will find a responsive team of international consultants ready to assist you. Seven different languages are spoken with proficiency to help customers from globally. With over 500 trusted partners, the consultants at Joorney have conferred with a range of industries and financial structures. These visionaries will professionally assist you in reaching your business goals with the fastest completion time in the trade.

Whether you require a Confidential Information Memorandum to invite potential investors and buyers, or a Financial Modeling to determine the future of your company’s financial growth and success, the experienced team at Joorney will support you. Customer satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. You know you will have made the right choice when you choose Joorney.

Sunday 1 March 2020

Why a Cannabis Vaping Business is an Excellent Idea

The main reason why people smoke cigarettes is to relax their minds. You have had a long day in the office trying to meet deadlines and meeting with different customers, handling constant telephone calls, solving customer queries and complaints, at the end of the day your mind is so full, and all you need is something that can relax it. But you don’t want to take something that will give you relaxation today and cause damage to your body organs in the future. This is the main reason why starting a cannabis vaping business is an excellent idea. It will help you prevent the harmful tobacco effects from getting to people. With the legalization of marijuana in most states, it will be easier for you to get a ready market for it. Ensure your Business Plan Writer understands the benefits of the business so they can write an excellent business plan for you. Expert information is invaluable in creating a high-quality Cannabis Business Plan. New details are added, and others are removed to refine your strategy.
Safe to users and those around
Vaping the CBD tincture is not associated with diseases. Ever gone to a hospital or taken a person who is diagnosed with some illness, say, high blood pressure, diabetes, and so on? The first question the Doctor asks is, does he smoke cigarettes? This is because tobacco is harmful to our health. Vaping, from careful analysis of the ingredients that make the vape, is harmless.
The air that is exhaled can cause no harm to the environment or those people around you. It is because the air being emitted comes from vapor that comes from a juice enriched with nutrients and flavor. It is not harmful to anyone, unlike cigarettes, which emit their contents into the air, thus prompting even the manufacturers to sensitize the consumers on the detrimental effects of tobacco.
The air emitted is odorless. This means it has no bad smell. Have you ever come near someone who is a chain smoker? Then, you understand what is meant when people talk about the bad odor and bad breath. No one wants to spend more time than they have to with them. Thanks to vaping, instead of the bad smell and bad breath, comes an excellent sweet fragrance from a vapor enriched with sweet flavors. That means less shame for smoking because there are no long-lasting odors transferred to your skin or clothes. For users with young kids, this may be the safest option.
No fire is produced
There is no fire produced in vaping a CBD tincture. Think about the many incidences that have occurred of accidental fires caused by a cigarette smoker. Forests have accidentally been burnt when a cigarette smoker has dropped a burning filter, do you know what that means? That wildlife has no place to live or to graze.
Choosing the right business requires a keen eye and a product that solves problems. A vape for legalized marijuana is a business with great potential as long as it is approached correctly. Our Cannabis Business Plan Writers are all you need to create an excellent foundation for your business.