Thursday 28 November 2019

How to Write a Killer Bank Business Plan

With the rising number of restaurants, it is easy to get lost in the crowd. As much as you plan to offer better services and quality products, it is essential to ensure that you do not look and sound like the rest. When writing a Business Plan, you should aim to showcase your uniqueness to get the bank’s attention. You need to understand what they are looking for so you can include those features in your work; this enhances your effectiveness. Our Bank Business Plan is intended for entrepreneurs wishing to submit an application for a bank loan by themselves or through the Small Business Administration.
What Banks are Looking for in Your Work
The main focus of investments is to choose the projects that are bound to bring the most returns. This is especially true for banks. The one thing they want to see is that you can create, use, and manage money. Some of the main areas they will focus on once your present the Business Plan include;
  1. Proper documentation of assets, capital, and liabilities. The balance sheet is essential as it communicates your current financial standing. A highlight of the profit and loss margins, not to mention the cash flow for working business showcases stability.

  2. A comprehensive description of your management team and their ability and skills in terms of how they contribute to the attainment of company goals.

  3. Collateral – while the bank might be enthusiastic about funding your business, it is also cautious not to lose any of theirs. Therefore, they introduce the aspect of collateral, which acts as a fallback in case the business arrangement does not yield the expected results. Banks need something tangible that can be sold to recover their money. The acquisition of these items is also meant to keep the business owner focused.

  4. Marketing strategies – your marketing strategy should be designed based on an analysis of what is in the market. The bank wants to ensure that you have a plan to reach the market. It dismisses any method that seems lazy and lacking creativity.

  5. Personal financial information – for businesses that are co-owned, the highest shareholders are expected to present information on all their assets. This is considered a form of personal guarantee. However, for those that are individually owned, you get to look for co-signers. They should have credibility in finances and borrowing. Once they sign off on your loan, they are auctioning their credit.
Essential Financial Documents
After submitting all these documents, there are some additional documents and information that are regarded as an extra guarantee for the bank money. First, there might arise a need to take life insurance on founders who contribute directly to the finances of the business. This is because, in the case of a payout, the money is directed to the bank first to cover the loan. Finally, a copy of tax returns is essential as it informs your accountability.
With all the necessary information, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the process. Thus, you should consider hiring a professional Restaurant Business Plan Writers. This will ensure that all the bases are covered.

Monday 25 November 2019

Common Mistakes in Writing a Cannabis Business Plan

A good Business Plan is dependent on the work that is done by all the contributing members of your team. The process requires an investment in terms of time and money. When working with a delicate business such as that of cannabis, it is essential not to misstep in the process. This is because this business is fast-becoming famous, and more people are looking to explore the possibilities in investment. Some of the most recurring mistakes are:
  1. Lack of Objectivity
Since this is vastly a new venture for most people, numerous approaches can be adopted to make profits. However, it is essential to keep Financial Projections to a reasonable scale. Being over-enthusiastic in your documentation not only sets you up for disappointment, but it also costs you the support of investors since it takes away from the need for a realistic plan.
  1. Wide Market Base
Just because your product caters to a wide range of buyers, it does not mean your marketing strategies reflect all of them. Potential buyers are crucial in achieving the financial goals of a company. However, there is a need to focus on a target group. These are the ones who are bound to make the most buys. Reeling in the leading focus group should be the sole focus of your plan.
  1. Poor Research and Inadequate Information
With the continued growth of the Cannabis Business Plan, there has been a rise in resources and tools dedicated to providing essential information. Before compiling your business plan, you need to consume as much content on the niche. This information equips you with all that is required to avoid making unnecessary mistakes. Including correct data shows investors that you are informed and ready to implement the latest innovations to better the business.
  1. Assuming Competition
The structure of your business is founded on the need to fill gaps in the market. By evaluating the work done by the competition, it is easy to come up with the best approach to take in achieving this. This helps you ensure that you do not bring saturated products on the market. Also, a quick evaluation of competing businesses enables you to identify your weaknesses. This way, you get to highlight them without overshadowing strengths.
  1. Blurred Marketing Strategies
How you plan to get products to the target audience determines how effective you are. For instance, with the growing impact of social media in the world of marketing, it is advisable to highlight the platforms that your market is on. Blindly investing on all platforms is expensive and ineffective.
  1. Lack of Cohesion
As much as the presentation of information, statistics, and data is the best way to convince investors that you are worth their money, too much of it might cost you. First, you might end up making the plan too long, and most people lose focus easily. Then, you might present conflicting information. The top Business Plan Writer understands the importance of having the right amount of data.

Thursday 21 November 2019

The Credibility of Employment Opportunities

The business model has already proven successful. This lends a type of credibility to your Franchise Business Plan that a brand new business simply can not.

When you are investing in a business to apply for your EB5, you need to show that your investment will be spent creating jobs in the United States. Specifically, the business is required to create ten full-time jobs or the equivalent in part-time positions in the 18 to 24 month period after your I-526 is approved. The benefit of choosing to invest in a Franchise is that the Franchise Business Plan can use a proven model of successfully adding employees throughout that timeframe.

Is there a Possibility to Open a Franchise in a Targeted Employment Area?

Opening a brand new business in an area that is experiencing financial hardship can be a risky endeavor. However, if a Franchise Business Plan can show a likelihood of success even in a rural area or metropolitan area experiencing high unemployment rates, this could open an opportunity for you to invest less and still be eligible for an EB5.

Let's review the requirements for a Targeted Employment Area. A Targeted Employment Area is a region that is designated as either a rural area with less than 20,000 people or a metropolitan area with an unemployment rate of more than 1.5 times the national average.

When you invest in a business in a Targeted Employment Area, the investment hurdle can be lowered to $500,000. This is half of the one million otherwise required for EB5 investments.

Keep in mind that the Franchise Business Plan would still need to be modified to include a market analysis of these particular areas. You would have to find a plan that would still show credible feasibility for growth in one of these types of locations.

If You Receive a Master Plan, do You Still need a Business Plan Writer?

The other benefit of choosing a franchise business is that often, the business will offer a masterplan to its franchisees. This greatly reduces the workload of creating a solid business plan.

The short answer is yes. Even if the original business offers it's masterplan to franchisees, you still need to tailor that masterplan to the specific business you are investing in. This is especially true if this investment is intended to be the basis of your EB5 application.

Immigrant Adjudicators are looking for credible business plans, with projections founded in specific market analysis. A market analysis that worked in one state or even county may not apply to the variables that a brand new location presents.

A Business Plan Writer will be able to modify an existing master plan to account for the differing circumstances of this particular business venture. Since EB5 approval requires that your investment leads to the creation of new jobs, the particular job market in the location of your franchise will be especially important.

Besides, there is no guarantee that you will be handed a masterplan in the first place. In that case, an expert Business Plan Writer can create a detailed, credible plan from scratch.

Where to Find a Business Plan Writer

There are always freelance Business Plan Writers that you may find in your basic internet search. However, the credibility and ability of that individual to return quality work in an acceptable timeframe will always be questionable.

There are some more formulaic Business Plan Writers for those of you that are budget conscious. One example would be Wise Business Plans. However, for an EB5, the credibility of the market analysis in any business plan will be especially important.

There are larger firms such as Joorney that have a proven record of quality work and some of the fastest turnaround times in the industry. At Joorney, you could trust that you would be met with respect and capability.

Whether you choose to invest in a franchise or other business, you will need a solid Business Plan when it comes time to submit your EB5 application to an immigrant adjudicator.

Monday 18 November 2019

Essential Elements in Writing a Business Plan

Although most business owners understand the importance of a business plan, it is easy to miss out on all the perks due to mistakes. It is essential to ensure that once you embark on the process of writing a business plan that you have all the necessary items. First, you need to assess the value of your business and understand how tasking it will be. Then, you should define how well you want the work done and the quality of results that will help you achieve your goals by Business Plan Writers.
Factors to Consider
Ensure that you have all that is required in the process. This enables the smooth flow of everything. By minimizing the number of hiccups experienced, you save on time and money. Some of the things you should take into account before you start writing include;
  1. Finances – there should be a budget dedicated to gathering relevant information and compiling it to a document. This is a must, especially if you are planning to hire Professional Business Plan Writers
  2. Time – if you are planning to roll out a product into the market within a specific time, you should start writing a plan way before the deadline. This gives you room for revisions. Also, investors require time to think about the benefit of getting into business with you. 
  3. Resources – these range from financial records to tools that enable a close approximation of the financial implications of investment and the performance of products in the market.

  4. Feedback from the market – it would be futile to try and fill a gap without understanding what the market wants or how they view the problem they are facing. When a Business Plan Writer bases their work on customer feedback, it ensures that you have an audience for your products once you launch.

  5. A working team – the attainment of all the goals you have is dependent on the competencies of the team that you place in charge of execution. Having a strong team reassures investors that their money is in safe hands.
Relevant Information and Documents
A comprehensive SBA Business Plan is informed by the information brought forth by different departments. The process of collecting authentic information is critical to the results you get. Some of the essential documents include the financial records, marketing strategy reports and the return on investment rates.
For companies that are already in operation, the collection of information impacts the next step of action. An analysis of which sales pitch has been working and which ones haven’t they get to adjust the strategy for the next period. The companies that are starting up depend on information on the performance of their competition to come up with an effective Business Plan.
The efficiency of the plan is enhanced if there are contributions from different parts of the business. Each input communicates how the performance of varied departments affects the overall performance of the company. It also helps create a plan that caters to each element of the work you are planning to do.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

How to Create a Structurally Competent Financial Model

Financial Projections Business Plan

While it is universally recognized that first impressions impact the reception one is received and how ideas are perceived, most people are unaware of the impact of aesthetics in presentations. First, if your work is well-organized, you not only get the attention of the audience, but you also spark their interest. Secondly, when work is structured, it is easy to understand. If you are looking to create a Financial Projections Business Plan, the organization should be a key concern in the process.
Factors to Consider in the Design Process
Financial Modeling is a crucial component of an effective business plan. It is thus essential to ensure that it contains all the necessary elements. However, when considering the features that make up the model, such as revenue projections and profit margins, there are aspects of information that should come to play. Therefore, while you are correcting errors on input, you need to consider:
  • Efficiency – the organization of the numbers, should be intentional. You should ensure that all parties that come across the document can understand the work presented. The formulas used should reflect the end goal.

  • Conciseness – aim to make complicated and complex information more understandable. This can be achieved by ensuring that there is ease of navigation.

  • Formatting – the model should be easy to follow for both you and those receiving the information. Structure it in a manner that showcases the connection between numbers.

  • Consistency – using the correct formulas and presenting information to show relationship helps in enhancing understanding of the logic behind the numbers.
Tips on Structuring your Financial Model
The success of your Financial Projections Business Plan lies in whether the investors understand what they are working with. The simple explanation of information and the display enhances the ease of dissecting the numbers. As such, there is a need to come up with the proper layout for the model. To achieve this, ensure to:
  • Separate sections and create appropriate labels for each. This can be done on different sheets. However, if you use the same one, ensure that there is a clear distinction of the elements.

  • Dedicate columns to specific purposes and maintain similar formulas. Changing a formula mid-way through a column affects the calculations.

  • Make your work readable and easy to navigate by presenting information logically.

  • Spread your work out as much as possible. Use different sheets where necessary.
  • Always have a source document to feed input to the model. This is referred to as a documentation sheet, and it is used in laying out assumptions.
When working with multiple layers of information such as the input, output, and calculations, it is essential to ensure that there is a clear distinction in the numbers. While labeling is one of the methods used to achieve this, you should consider coming up with color codes. They are more visible, and this reduces the possibility of errors resulting from confusion. Also, it adds on to the aesthetics of your Financial Projections Business Plan.

Monday 11 November 2019

Six Benefits of Hiring a Business Plan Writers

Running a business is tasking and daunting. For most business owners, predictions on profits, making sales and trying to balance finances prove to be challenging. Often, these issues lead to stagnation. However, this is not always the case. You will find that having a Business Plan Writers shields you from most of these problems.
The Essence of Business Plans
The advantages that come with having a comprehensive Business Plan Writer are vast. First, they act as a reference point for the organization. The development of any venture is dependent on how one approaches different issues, and the valuation and prioritization methods applied. A plan ensures that each essential step is considered. This helps in covering all the bases.
Also, it helps you keep your focus on what is essential. When many things are going on, it is easy to be overwhelmed. At such moments, the business needs grounding, and the plan does just that. Thirdly, it provides a clear picture of what you are working towards. Finally, the information presented prepares you for any situation that might arise.
Perks of Hiring a Professional
A good Business Plan is a crucial document for any business. As such, there is a need to ensure that you end up with the best possible result. Professional writers offer an array of benefits in the process. Some of them are;
  1. Skills and expertise – preparing a plan goes beyond writing down information. It requires financial analysis of your current position, creation of projections, and compiling all these to a compelling document. Outsourcing these skills separately is expensive and exhausting since you need to cover many bases. Hiring a service provider who offers all these as one package saves on costs and time.

  1. Dedication – writing a business plan might seem easy, especially with the availability of critical resources on the internet. However, this process takes away from the time you would use for other developmental activities. Professionals are solely focused on giving you the best results with no distractions.

  1. Experience – the knowledge to navigate the world of business plans is a crucial factor in the process. They know the language that hooks the investors and the format that enhances your chances of success.

  1. Tools and resources – the research process is made easier since they have access to information that will be helpful in the final compilation. These might come in the form of networks with experts in your field.

  1. Understanding the market – not only do they know who your competition is and what they are offering to their clients, but they also know what the market wants. It is essential to design products based on an already existing gap. This way, your sales and marketing strategies have a foundation.

  1. Unbiased perspective – if you decide to write your business plan, you will be driven by the need to grow and achieve. This might lead to an oversight on several levels. A professional Business Plan writer in Miami works to understand your business model objectively.

Thursday 7 November 2019

How to Choose Your Investment Opportunity

You've decided that you want to invest in a U.S. business to seek the I-526. Now, how do you choose the right investment opportunity to build your EB5?

This article will focus specifically on considerations for the Direct or Direct Pooled EB5.

There are several informative documents that a business should supply their potential investors. The most essential one is The Investor Business Plan.

What to Look for In The Investor Business Plan

It is vital to choose a viable and credible business plan. The Investor Business Plan should include a description of the business, an analysis of the industry and potential market as well as marketing plans, Financial Projections Business Plan, and exit strategies.

What is the source of the report's foundational information? Is the business using a reputable industry report like those on IBIS, or are they building a plan on unsound assumptions?

When an immigration adjudicator evaluates your EB5, they will look for a credible business plan. At the very least, your plan needs to be based on high-quality industry reports.

One other vital factor to remember while you evaluate the Investor Business Plan is that your investment must be spent in a way that creates jobs in the United States. Specifically, ten full-time jobs should be created within 18 to 24 months of your I-526 approval. Special attention should be paid to the Personnel Plan of the business.

The next document you should expect is the Confidential Information Memorandum. Where the Investor Business Plan will illuminate whether the business is a possibility, the Confidential Information Memorandum will provide objective and in-depth analysis so that you can discern if it is the right investment opportunity for you.

What to Look for in a Confidential Information Memorandum

Included in the Information Memorandum, is a description and structure of your investment deal. Make sure that the agreement contains the guarantee that your money will stay in escrow until the approval of your I-526. If for any reason, your I-526 is not approved, you want to ensure your investment will be returned.

Where will your money go? Keep in mind, for your investment to be passable as an EB-5, your money needs to create jobs. It cannot be used to buy land or real estate.

The Information Memorandum gives a more exhaustive look at the business's credibility and applicability for the EB5. From this document, you should be able to discern if this is an investment opportunity for you.

You Think You've Found the One, Now What?

You think you have found the right investment for your EB5. With such a critical process, you want to be certain that your choice is sound and that can properly represent your investment to the immigration adjudicator.

This is why you seek out Financial Modeling Consulting.

How to Choose the Right Financial Modeling Consultant

Trust. Respect. Capability. Price. Time. These are the five features to look for in any Financial Modeling Consultant. You want your Financial Modeling Consultant to be trustworthy, respectful of you and your journey, capable of providing quality work at a reasonable price and promptly.

So where do you find the right consultant for you?

There are many freelance Financial Modeling Consultants on the market. However, you cannot trust the ability of an individual to return quality work promptly when not backed by the infrastructure of a reputable company.

Some firms churn out acceptable work at average prices. One example would be GoBusinessPlans. If you do not want a personalized experience, but rather just a formulaic resource for help with your EB5, this may be the choice for you.

Then there are exceptional larger firms like Joorney. If you want to find a firm with a range of services and attention to high quality, personalized work, this is the caliber of the firm you want to explore.

After all, if you are already investing a million dollars into a business, into your EB5, and into your future, you should also invest in a firm that you can trust to guide you successfully through your process while treating you with respect.

Monday 4 November 2019

Designing a Winning Pitch Deck

Professional Pitch Deck

Business ventures can be exciting and daunting at the same time. The best way to ensure that you get to enjoy the best that this new venture has to offer is by getting all the necessary resources. As one of the main goals for any start-up is to grow, a Professional Pitch Deck is a necessity. Businesses need models that outline the growth process, which, in turn, is dependent on the financial capacity for development. Thus, finding investors is a primary focus for both newly registered businesses and those that are looking to leap in their operation. In your search, you should look through reviews and compare which Business Plan Writer meets your requirements.
The Essence of a Professional Pitch Deck
When you embark on the design process, several things should be considered. First, it should be clear and concise. This helps in capturing the attention of potential investors and keeping them hooked to your message to the very end of your presentation. Then, a creative and compelling angle should be adopted to keep things interesting. Thirdly, ensure that whatever is presented communicates the ease of implementation if the proper resources are acquired.
The purpose of this deck is to give a general overview of the business. This is the first impression that investors get. Also, it is a professional method to present new ideas and back them up with evidence and projections.
Steps in Creating a Pitch Deck
Having an understanding of the main components of this document is essential, whether you are doing it or outsourcing professionals. For the process to be successful and for the results to be impeccable, there are eight steps to be taken. These are;
  1. Identification of a problem – the business should aim to fill a gap in the market. The problem you are fixing should be relatable to the audience and understandable to the investor.
  2. Come up with a solution – it should be clear and scalable.
  3. Identify a target market – this determines the success of your products.
  4. Create a structure the growth process – there should be traction
  5. Come up with a competent team – this is the group that will drive the actualization of the written ideas.
  6. Analyze your competition – the competition determines why the investors should choose you instead of another business. What makes you stand out?
  7. Define finances – this should be in terms of how much you need, the projections on expenditure, revenue, and profit. When giving a quotation on the type of investment you need, do not state a direct number, instead present a range, for instance, 5-7 million.
Professional Pitch Deck Services write a deck based on the information given. The work presented is created from an adaptation of your business model and a focus on who you are as a business. By following these steps and defining what you want, you get a Pitch Deck that is authentic and effective. Giving proper information and working with your creators makes the final process of designing slides easy. It also reduces the number of revisions required before the final copy.

Friday 1 November 2019

Tips for Hiring a Professional Business Plan Writer

The first step in hiring a Professional Business Plan Writers is defining your business, coming up with goals, milestones, and deliverables, coming up with a reasonable budget, and looking for the ideal hires. Once you have narrowed down the list of prospective candidates, you save on time and money. It is essential to note that the quality of results you get is dependent on the writer you hire. Therefore, the hiring process should include an intentional analysis of the candidate’s ability to deliver.
5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Business Plan Writer
Although no one understands the vision you have for your business as you do, most times, you need someone else to define your goals clearly. Getting an expert to do it allows you to focus on other elements of the business and saves a considerable amount of time. The hassle involved in compiling all necessary details for a Business Plan is reduced if you get someone else to do it for you.
Other advantages include:
  1. You get to utilize a skill-set that is vital to the performance of the business and the quality of the plan.
  2. The work done is responsible for the success or failure of the business. Experts know what works and what does not, therefore, hiring one increases your chances of succeeding.
  3. Since they are solely focused on the deliverables, the work gets done on time, giving you time for revisions and changes. Also, the timeliness allows you to meet other goals that are attached to the completion of the business plan.
  4. They research the market and the competition for you and come up with strategies that help in actualizing your goals.
  5. You get a different perspective on your business. It is easy to be overwhelmed by the prospect of new business and the success ahead that you miss possible issues.
Factors that Make the Top Business Plan Writers
There are many options in the market for Business Plan Writers. When it comes to selecting one that is the best for your business, you need to evaluate the value each of them adds to your business. These are some of the things that should inform your decision:
  1. Industry experience – it makes it easy for them to cover the bases needed. Also, an experienced writer has references and reviews which give insight into the type of work they will do.
  2. Credibility and transparency – they should provide several references from past clients.
  3. Professionalism – in as much as it is essential to have a relationship with your writer, they need to be able to identify the boundaries between good chemistry while working and lack of professionalism.
  4. Communication – writing an excellent business plan is dependent on the openness you have with the writer and the communication channels used. They should report any hiccups, and you should inform them of any factors that impact business performance.
  5. How long it will take – writing a Business Plan needs milestones to gauge performance. However, after the attainment of all the goals, you might need to consult the writer for corrections. Find someone who understands that this is a continuous process and provide you options on how to go about further work.