Wednesday 30 October 2019

How to Create a Professional Pitch Deck

Professional Pitch Deck

Presentations and first impressions play a crucial role in the type of reception the information presented gets. Therefore, when you decide to seek more investors for your business, you need to ensure that the overviews you give are attractive and engaging. A Professional Pitch Deck helps you in achieving this.
They are the best way to present an overview of what your business is about and why you want the investors to work with you. Pitch decks complement the Business Plan in face to face or online meetings as they have a visual appeal, which helps in keeping the audience engaged. Also, they help you get over the entire concept of your business in a short time.
Features of a Professional Pitch Deck
There is a need to ensure that you include all necessary information, considering the significance of this document in showcasing the strength of your business. This should be done while maintaining the aspect of keeping it brief and concise. Some of the main elements you should include are:
  1. An introduction detailing who you are as a business. Here, you need to give a compelling overview of your business. The quality of the introduction evokes or loses the investors interest.
  2. Team description detailing the role of each person. Ensure that you highlight their main achievements in the work you are doing as a company and their contribution to the success of the business.
  3. What problem are you looking to solve? Comprehensively detail of the position you are in as a business and the reason for seeking new investment determines the authenticity of your situation.
  4. The solution you seek to find from the investors. Present how you plan on solving the problem if their assistance is granted and the advantages of working with you.
  5. A detailed and accurate description of the product or service and how it stands out from others of its kind in the market place.
  6. The response of the target market to your product. You should include sample data on the consumers.
  7. The business model you will use in terms of revenue and investment. This information is essential in detailing your growth plan.
Finally, you need to include information on the best ways to reach you. Having a contact person allows the investors to get back to you conveniently.
Tips in Preparing a Professional Pitch Deck
The quality of the Pitch Deck you present to investors informs their decision. Therefore, you should consider getting professional Pitch Deck Services. Experts use the best input and give exceptional results. Some of the things that can help you gauge the quality of services you get include:
  1. It should tell a story
  2. Every idea should be on a separate slide
  3. The presentation should be impeccable with consistency in formatting, layout, and fonts.
  4. There should be a balance on the quality of pictures and the text used.
Ensure that whoever is responsible for delivering the Pitch Deck has mastered some of the information in it to avoid reading word for word.

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