Thursday 27 February 2020

Competent Restaurant Business Plan Writers and Bank Business Plan Writers

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of nowhere? Maybe far in the ocean or desert? Well, those who have experienced this will tell you how having a map or compass helped them navigate out of the unknown place. That is how important a Business Plan is to any business, including restaurants and banks. As they say, failing to plan is planning to fail. Many business experts and financial gurus agree that a good idea is never enough if there is no plan for achieving the goals. A strategic plan that is created and implemented is like a compass that guides a business. There are several components within your Business Plan Writer that determine how successful it is and it's potential to attract new investors into your company.
No plan? No funding
Consider this situation: you have that great dream of starting or growing your restaurant or bank, but you lack the much-needed funds. In an attempt to raise funds, you sell some of your personal or business assets. Friends and relatives chip in to support the dream. However, the figure is still high up there.
Suddenly, like a bulb that has been put on, an idea pops up in your head. How about borrowing some loans or approaching several investors with a business plan? However, it dawns on you that you don’t know how to go about the document. There is no need to throw in the towel. Our Restaurant Business Plan Writers and Bank Business Plan Writers are here for you. We are ready to prepare for you a thorough plan that outlines how to achieve the funding and success.
Remain laser-focused
Apart from helping you seek funds for your idea, business plans keep you focused. Being laser-focused in your business ideas and strategies is possible only when you have a clear and elaborate plan in place. We have a team of writers that will curate a strategy that will help you make sound decisions in various areas, such as customer value creation, technology, and human resources management.
Navigate through the storms
Like a ship facing turbulence as she navigates her way back to the land, business projects are bound to experience issues and turmoil along the way. That is where a business plan comes in handy. Our Restaurant Business Plan Writers and Bank Business Plan curators will develop for you a flexible and adaptable plan to help you identify and take care of possible weaknesses in your ideas. You will not shy away from sharing our professionally-made document with experts in your industry for their advice and opinions.
We are here to help
A lot of thoughts and research go into developing a Business Plan. However, it doesn’t need to be. We are here for you. We shall take up the leg work of working on the document while you attend to the more critical decision-making tasks. We shall work with you to identify your current business position, where you want to take it, and how you will achieve this. To boost the chances of success, our team will make it their pain to reduce the odds of failure as much as possible.

Sunday 23 February 2020

Why Do Business Plan Fail

A Business Plan is an essential document for the development of a company. A good plan gives your crucial tips to take while operating your business, hence help you reach your goals much faster. However, not all business plans lead to successful business operations. Some entrepreneurs find it convenient to run their business without a plan and find their path along the way. On the other hand, other companies keep failing due to following the business plan. Here are some of the reasons that business plans often fail.
Wrong Assumptions
It's possible to hire Professional Business Plan Writers to help you with the writing process. However, if the whole idea is based on incorrect assumptions, regardless of how attractive the plan is, it will automatically fail. The grounds of your ideas are quite critical in operating business. Therefore, before you get down to draft your business plan, take time and think over it. Ensure that you don’t write from the excitement of having a company but rather based on realistic and easy to achieve short and long-term goals.
Unbalanced Team
A competent SBA Business Plan serves as a roadmap that guides you on various stages of the business. However, if you don’t have the right team on every step, you are gradually leading a failed business plan. The people that work in a given company should have the capacity to execute the plan at hand effectively and see the business grow. When you employ the wrong team, it will be challenging to monitor and understand when your organization is doing well or failing. For instance, if your company deals with technology, it’s in order to have at least one developer in your time to handle all the software issues. However, if your team only consists of people who can hand only manual and hard labor, your business is likely to fail from within.
Lack of Proper Implementation
Writing a comprehensive plan is one thing and implementing another. It takes time for a dream to unfold and blossom to greater heights. This is a new idea that you are bringing to life. Therefore, it requires patience and dedication before it starts to mature and bear fruits. However, this is the most challenging step for most entrepreneurs. Everyone wants to start from a higher ground and skip the foundation process. In business, what matters the most is how firm you lay the foundation rather than the structure you build. If you miss the implementation process, although your business might seem to flourish, the plan will not go as much or even attain its expected goals.
There are still hopes for you as an entrepreneur to build a strong business based on the plan that you have. However, you need to take your time to draft a plan that will match your abilities as an investor. Also, ensure you find a good team that will introduce professionalism in various stages of the business. Lastly, always keep an open slot where you can monitor and react to the way your business is operating. As much as you focus on following the plan, it's also important to listen and implement your team's contribution.
Professional Business Plan Writers can only work with what you provide. Analyze your vision, evaluate the state of the business before engaging professional services.

Thursday 20 February 2020

How your Business Plan Writers help you effectively run your business

Any business, small scale, or large scale, requires proper management to grow and advance. To effectively manage your business, it means that every business arm has to work in harmony with the other to ensure that you can achieve your objectives. With what your Business Plan Writer compiles, you will understand what your company’s goals are and how to attain them. However, running a business and managing all its operations and still maintaining a smooth business flow can be a little tricky. Here are a few tips to help you manage efficient business operations.
Timely Brainstorming
Brainstorming is an effective way of ensuring that every person involved has the same objectives. No matter how great or useful an idea might be, if it is not shared on time, it may not effectively transform the business to greater heights.
Additionally, while brainstorming, it is also essential to ensure that every discussion is done at various intervals. This way, you will have a proper understanding of your team players and their input in the business. However, all the details have to be passed through the top management team before implementation to ensure that every step synchronizes with the other.
Responsibility and Authority
Authority and responsibility go hand to hand. Your business potential solidly depends on who is in authority and who is responsible over particular areas. When you are looking forward to growing your business, it is essential to give responsibilities and authority to relevant people.
Additionally, you can as well divide your team into small manageable groups and appoint team leaders who will be in charge of respective teams. This will help you understand various potential form individual teams hence make it easy to decide which team should handle particular responsibility.
Always Have a Plan B
A good Business Plan is one that provides you with results within your business operations. However, no matter how effective a plan might be, it will not always work and bring in the expected results. If a particular plan reaches its expiry period, even if it was successful in pushing your business to a greater height, it is essential to let go. Always have a plan standing by in case one fails to bring the expected results, the other will work just fine.
There are always people before you and after you, and they all have an impact on your business. Although you are the person with the dream, listening to what others have to say about something sharpens your understanding. It gives you a better perspective on how to implement your idea and avoid making a mistake. More so, it is always good to listen to what your customers say about your brand.
Be Approachable
Employees find it difficult to work with a person who is hard to get and tough to interact with. You need your team as far as they need you. Therefore, closing yourself in an office and shutting everyone else out will not make you superior. Make yourself available and always be ready to interact with your team where necessary.
The professional Business Plan Writers you hire will then validate your choice in marketing platforms, especially when it comes to social media.
Another easy way to manage a business efficiently is by giving every person equal opportunities. If you think of applauding the excellent performance, ensure you consider and acknowledge everyone involved.

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Elements that Make a Successful Business Plan

Regardless of the type of business you want to open, it is necessary to ensure that you make it differ from that of competitors in the same field. This is why a Business Plan is essential. It allows lenders, potential partners and investors to have a clear understanding of what your company’s structure is. They will also have an idea of your goals and how you intend to achieve them.
A business plan allows you to work smart, test new ideas before implementing them, stay motivated, stay alert for roadblocks, and align all the expectations with those of investors and stakeholders. There are several components within your Business Plan Writer that determine how successful it is and it's potential to attract new investors into your company.
The executive summary
While this part is written last, it is also the most important part of the entire plan. If the reader is not impressed by this part, they will completely stop reading the document. Here, ensure that you focus on the background and experience and that of partners. Your point is to show the underpinnings of the company. Ensure it is clear when the business started, the number of employees, the roles of the founders, and where the company began.
The company description
Always make sure that you outline what your company does and how it is different from the competitors. Here, it may also be a good idea to list major customers as well as your target demographic.
Make the market analysis thorough
Most entrepreneurs feel that it is a lot of work to conduct an in-depth market analysis. However, it is an incredible opportunity to learn more about your competitors. Here, you will know more about their cash flow, profit margins, and research technologies. You will also understand the trends within the industry that could be game-changers. It is also the time to describe your target demographic’s spending habits. You need to be sure that you have the necessary resources to withstand the operation for several months.
Organization and management
Ensure that the document clearly spells out the details of ownership. This includes your organizational chart and investors. Make it know what type of partnership your business is and how you expect it to run.
You also need to describe what you are selling and how it helps your customers. How often will they need to replace it? These are crucial to the sustainability of the business. Include the copyrights and patents you own.
Sales and marketing
What do your customers know about your products? Even the best products in the world have no chance of succeeding with excellent marketing strategies. What are you going to use for marketing your products? Word of mouth or print media for advertising? You need to find a method that will work for your target customers and the city you are based in.
These aspects ensure that your Business Plan covers the basics of how you plan to start, run, and market your company. With an excellent Business Plan Writer, investors will read more than the executive summary.

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Types of Financial Modeling Techniques

For any business to excel and make profitable returns, it's essential to have a financial model segment on your business plan. Therefore, while creating your Business Plan, it is critical to have a comprehensive program that will provide guidelines on how you can manage your business in the future. It’s also crucial to take note of the company’s performance history, income statement preparations, and future assumptions. Here are a few tips on Financial Modeling for your company’s development.
Three Statement Model
As the name implies, this type of model has a simple formula that links balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow. Its main objective is to ensure that all your company accounts are connected hence making it easy for you to drive your business expectations. Additionally, with this type of modeling, it’s easy to moderate your company growth in all aspects. However, you are required to have solid skills in accounting and finance.
Consolidation Model
This model type is a combination of multiple business units into a single model. Basically, it adds respective entries to build one strong business unit. The consolidated worksheet allows the company to monitor its investments and balance between present and future focus.
Ration Analysis or Comparable Company Analysis
This type of Financial Projections Business Plan helps you to evaluate your organization and determine its stand to its contemporaries. The analysis performed will reflect on the business and its financial profile in comparison to other organizations of the same statue. This way, you will have an idea of how your company is functioning in the business world hence making it easy to determine where you need improvements.
Discounted Cash Flow
This model involves the evaluation and prediction of future cash flow to make a financial analysis. Mostly, this model is implemented when you want to state the value of an organization. It's commonly used by investors who generate interest in a particular company to know whether their investment will attract profits based on the true value of the company.
How to Build a Financial Model
Building Financial Modeling is a process that requires lots of practice. Although there are specified careers that focus on teaching candidates to build financial models, to become an expert, you must practice. Therefore, you can begin by manually taking a company’s financial history, calculate a present value per share, and build a flat-line model. However, when doing this, it is essential to compare your current price to the equity research report closely. On the other hand, ensure you have basic financial training to familiarize yourself with basic terms of the field. This way, it will be easy for you to understand the market and also have a solid understanding of how the market operates from time to time.
The fundamental aspect of building a successful business is taking control of your financial planning. The growth of a company solidly depends on how much you invest and what you get in return. Therefore, it is essential to identify a financial model that you can effectively execute and enhance your company presence for smooth operations today and in the future.

Monday 10 February 2020

The 10/20/30 rule: does it still work today?

Developed by Guy Kawasaki, the 10/20/30 rule is mainly used for Professional Pitch Deck presentations when using PowerPoint. According to this rule, the presentation should only have ten slides that take no more than 20 minutes to go through. The featured font of the slides should not be less than 30 points.
The rule worked for several years and allowed numerous companies to gain the clients they targeted. It is difficult to quantify its effectiveness today, as powerpoint is no longer the only viable option where companies can deliver media-rich presentations. This is why, when looking for the right Pitch Deck Services, you need to have a clear idea of tactics that work and those that are outdated.
The truth is, this rule is still as relevant as ever. Here are some reasons why you want the company you hire for Pitch Deck Services to make use of this rule.
Do not cram too much text in your presentation
You do not have to stick to the ten slides rule necessarily, but you do have to reduce your sales pitch to only a few words that pack a lot of punch. Bend this rule, but do not break it. Have a strong outline and ensure you have included some of the essential points. The rest, you can briefly speak on your own as you explain the pitch. Your slides can contain a sentence or two. However, you can keep the audience captivated by including your ideas in your speech. An important principle to have is that the presentation has nothing to do with the PowerPoint slides; it is all about you and how you explain your ideas.
Keep it short
Today, people’s concentration spans are getting shorter. Therefore the 20-minute part of the rule remains the most inflexible. You can no longer get people to sit and listen to a presentation that is an hour long. Their minds will wander elsewhere, and you will be left speaking to yourself. This is why most lessons in schools are 45 minutes long. Even then, teachers need to take constant breaks to maintain the concentration of learners.
Ensure that everything you have to say fits into the 20 minutes. This should include any questions you want to answer. This will require practice and learning from others who have achieved in-depth coverage of topics in a few minutes.
The audience will not be interested if they can’t read the slides
If the font is small, your audience is likely to lose interest even before you begin speaking. Regardless of how brilliant your ideas are, they will be of no use if the audience zones out. This is why you need to test different fonts and font sizes to ensure the audience can see clearly. But, do not use a font that is too big so that the audience feels incompetent. The font should be so that those at the front and those at the back can see clearly. It should be a similar experience for everyone.
Making the perfect Pitch Deck presentation is not as easy as most people assume. Numerous aspects go into planning to ensure that the audience is informed and entertained at the same time. This is why you need professionals like us to help you get the clients your business needs to get to the next step.

Friday 7 February 2020

Information Memorandum and Financial Modeling Counseling

Information Memorandum and Financial Models are very crucial documents in any business that seeks to have robust financials. Investors and other users will always want to have a look at these documents when making their financial decisions.
Are you going to an investment or financial meeting? Do not walk in empty-handed or with an Information Memorandum (IM) document that has not been well prepared. After delivering a juicy pitch to your investors, they will want to see your IM before you step out of the door. You may also need a Financial Model to show them how well prepared you are to handle your expenses against earnings.
Know your documents
In a nutshell, an Information Memorandum (IM) is a business plan. It is a document that outlines the projections, analysis, and explanations of the crucial opportunities and aspects of your investment. While pitching your ideas, you probably used some visual cues to avoid lengthy elaborations that would have bored the investors to tears. So after your presentations, the IM will go into meatier explanations of your ideas to convince the investors.
On the other hand, a financial model summarizes the earnings and expenses of your business in the form of a spreadsheet. An efficient and effective financial modeling will help your business to see the future and achieve its goals. It ensures high accuracy in the numeric variables.
As a business owner, you want to know the value of your business, assess your competitors, decide on budgets, allocate resources, or analyze how a possible future event can affect your company’s stock performance. Such tasks may be daunting since you need to get it right at the first step. That is where our Financial Modeling Counseling comes to your aid. Unlike our competitors, we will walk with you through the modeling process to ensure your decisions are OKAY.
Simplicity is genius
In our Information Memorandum and Financial Modeling Counseling, we usually advise our clients to keep things simple. These documents should be free from heavy jargon to ensure the different users find it easy to understand. A favorable outcome is possible only when they are both flexible and adaptable throughout the business project.
When preparing Information Memorandum, think about how the investors are going to use it. Are they going to read it from cover to cover while sipping from their glass of wine? No way. They will use the IM when they need to quote some information, when a question pops up in their mind, or when they need to jog their memory about an idea you touched on during the pitching.
Let us walk with you
At Joorney, our Information Memorandum and Financial Modeling Counseling will help you prepare documents that are accurate and captures all information without having to be too lengthy and drawn out. Users will quickly scan through them and get to the exact answer to any question covered. Do you want sentences that will punch home facts after facts? We have you covered.